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Join the Conversation and make sure your voice is heard!

Published: 28th June 2024

We have begun the process of looking for a new Bishop of Worcester and want to hear the views of as many people as possible across the Diocese before 1 August.

The Vacancy in See Committee is beginning to develop our diocesan Statement of Needs, which sets out what we see as our key priorities as a diocese, where we feel God is calling us and what skills and qualities we would like in our new diocesan bishop.  We want to ensure this is an accurate reflection of the diocese, and we need your help!

Please complete our online survey before 1 August letting us know what you think we need in a new bishop and where you see our diocese at the moment and in the future.  The survey should only take 10 minutes of your time. There are two surveys - please click on the relevant link below:

Please also encourage and help others to others to complete the form. There will be some postcards distributed alongside the next prayer diary with the link and a QR code which links directly to the survey. If you would like any more of these to give out (or would like them before the prayer diary arrives), please let us know on the email address below.

Why not organise a discussion around the questions at your PCC meeting, after a service or as part of a lunch club/ toddler group to get everyone thinking about what we’re looking for in a new bishop (see below for the survey questions). You could then help others to fill in the survey themselves using your phone, ipad or laptop, or if this is difficult, you can collect the feedback and email it to: If you need support in facilitating a discussion, please do contact us at this email and we’ll do our best to find someone to support you.

We want to hear from different ages and people in all areas of the Diocese! There will also be an opportunity to feed into the national church consultation through an open meeting in September.  

Don't forget the deadline is 1 August - join the conversation and make sure your voice is heard! 

Pray with us for the process of finding our next Bishop: 

Heavenly Father, 

We thank you for those you call to faithfully lead and shepherd your church. As we seek to appoint a new bishop of Worcester, help us to be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, give us heavenly wisdom, and bless our diocese that we might enter a new season of growth and fruitfulness as Kingdom People. For your glory and in the name of Christ.


Page last updated: Thursday 4th July 2024 11:53 AM

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