Praying for Growth

Praying for Growth (logo)

We have launched a dedicated period of prayer for our growth both spiritually and numerically over the coming years.

We pray that more people will come to know the love of Jesus and join us in our life and worship; as well as continuing to pray for our parishes, schools and all those who are already part of the Diocese.

The time of prayer was launched with a pilgrimage around Worcester Cathedral and Bishop Martin has a pilgrimage around our deaneries planned for early summer. We hope that many churches will mark this time with their own events using the resources available.

Bishop John writes:

"By 2030 we pray that we shall have healthy and sustainable churches which are resourced and encouraged to worship God, make disciples, share hope, and transform their communities. We hope to have double the number of children and young people in our churches, at least 100 new worshipping communities and congregations of 150 people in each major area of population. None of this will happen without prayer – please join us in this!"

A prayer for our vision

A prayer for our vision

God of all grace and goodness,
you lead us into the way of love and life:
hear our prayer for your church in this place,
may we offer you our hearts and minds in worship,
bring others to walk with us as disciples of Christ,
and share the hope to which you have called us,
that by the work of your Spirit
we may see lives and communities transformed,
and be drawn ever more deeply into your life of love,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

A prayer for our priorities

A prayer for our priorities

Generous God,
by your Spirit lead your church into growth,
and into the mature humanity
that reflects the image of Christ our Saviour.
So equip our ministers with the gifts of your Spirit
that we may kindle the flame of faith
among children and young people,
renew our churches with your life and love,
and help new communities come to birth
and lift their hearts in worship,
that, joined in one body together,
we may find a voice to sing your praise,
now and in all eternity. Amen.

Download the prayers as a 2-sided prayer card

May Your Kingdom Grow

Dave Shaw, Director of Worship at Top Church in Dudley has composed a new worship song which parishes can use. On this page you can download the song, backing tracks, sheet music and videos.

May Your Kingdom Grow video thumbnail
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