Video Library
Paul Lawlor reflects on change, moving from St. Stephen's Redditch to lead the Redditch Mission Area, and the transition in the diocese after Bishop John's departure.
"The last few weeks have been times of farewells and new beginnings." This week's video reflection is by Bishop Martin, Bishop of Dudley and Acting Bishop of Worcester.
This week our Director of Mission and Ministry reflects on our journey with God and finding purpose in life. Each journey is different, but for each of us God has a purpose and plan.
This week Alison Maddocks, Dean of Smaller Churches, sends us a video reflection while on her travels around Ireland and Scotland.
In this week's video, the Archdeacon of Dudley reflects on the many life lessons we can learn from the Olympics and Paralympics and the parallels we can draw with our lives of Christian discipleship.
Between Saturday 8 and Sunday 16 June we mark Love Your Burial Ground Week, National Cemeteries Week and Churches Count on Nature! In this video, Anne Potter, Team Rector in the Worcestershire West Rural Team, reflects on the importance of our church burial grounds as havens for nature and wildlife as well as quirt places for reflection and prayer.
A reflection on Thy Kingdom Come by Diane Cooksey, Area Dean of Worcester.
A reflection on the upcoming General Election by our Diocesan Secretary, Andy Todd. How can we as churches and Christians play our part?
From peregrine policies to human rights policies, Stephen Edwards, Interim Dean of Worcester Cathedral, reflects this week on our role as Christians to look after and protect all of God's creation.
April 22 is Earth Day. Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future. Planet vs. Plastics EARTHDAY.ORG is committed to ending plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040. In this video our Eco Church Lead, Sue Adeney reflects on what our churches can do to reduce their plastic consumption. If we want to care for God's creation, we need to make Earth Day every day! Let us know what you've done in your churches, or at home, to reduce plastics!