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The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunities and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. The Training Mailing is produced every month and is a round up of upcoming training opportunities around the diocese.

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Bishop John's Lent Message 2018

Published: 13th February 2018

This years Lent Message was filmed at a place that, I daresay, will be familiar to many of you: the Worcester Royal Hospital. Our National Health Service been on my mind recently havingbadly broken my wrist ice-skating with my 13 year-old on New Year

Dementia Friends training running near Redditch

Published: 9th February 2018

The Churches of Stoke Prior, Wychbold, Feckenham and Bradley Green are coming together to promotedementia awareness across the communities they serve.  Dementia FriendsTraining, accredited by the Alzheimers Society, is being run on Tuesday 27&nb

Holland House Anniversary Appeal continues!

Published: 8th February 2018

The Trustees of Holland House, the independent charity whichoperates the retreat House in Cropthorne, Worcestershire, has succeeded inmeeting its initial minimum target of 100,000 for its Anniversary Appeal andhas largely completed the restoration of

St Oswald Place of Welcome celebrates 1st birthday

Published: 5th February 2018

On 2 February, St Oswalds Place of welcomeCoffee Friday celebrated its first birthday. The founder of the coffeemorning, Mr Brian Murkett celebrated the success of the coffee morning with around 40 regular attenders from the local community. He

Mothering Sunday 2019

Published: 5th February 2018

31st March is Mothering Sunday.

Letter from the Bishop of Dudley

Published: 5th February 2018

Gods workHave you noticed that when you turn the pages of scripturepeople are often described by the job they do? Abraham was a herdsman, Noah was a farmer, David was a shepherd, thefirst disciples of Jesus where commercial fishermen, Matthew was a t

Join Ringing out for Peace this Armistice

Published: 25th January 2018

The organisers of Battles Over, a national andinternational event marking the armistice, wants to see more than 1,000churches and cathedrals participate by ringing their bells simultaneously at7.05pm on the night of November 11th 2018.Pageantmaster B

Brockmoor Church awarded lottery grant

Published: 25th January 2018

StJohns Church in Brockmoor has received a grant for 176,100 from the HeritageLottery Fund (HLF) to carry out vital repairs and improvements to the building.Thanksto the National Lottery, work can go ahead to repair the roof, brickwork andstonework,

Paul West receives the Wulfstan Cross

Published: 22nd January 2018

The Bishop of Dudley, Graham Usher has presented Paul West, the former Chief Constable of West Mercia Police, with the Cross of St. Wulfstan, an award that pays tribute to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the life of the Church.

New Priest for Dudley

Published: 21st January 2018

An announcement from the Bishop.

Worcester Cathedral shortlisted to host Tim Peake’s Soyuz Spacecraft

Published: 19th January 2018

Worcester Cathedral has been shortlisted as one of five potential venues for Tim Peakes Soyuz Spacecraft to beexhibited later this year. It is an exciting prospect to be able to host such asignificant piece of modern national history in a vastly cont

Bishop Graham welcomes new scheme from Christian Aid

Published: 15th January 2018

Bishop Graham has welcomed a new globaljustice scheme launched this January by Christian Aid in partnership with theChurch of England which aims to empower a new generation of children to speakout against poverty and injustice.The scheme, GlobalNeigh

Bishop John & HJ are wed

Published: 15th January 2018

Congratulations to Bishop John and HJ who were married onFriday at St Katherines Church in Holt near Bath, surrounded by close friends andfamily.Bishop Graham said: It was wonderful and a sheer delight toshare in Bishop John and H-Js wedding with its

Sarah Cottrill to be Associate Priest of St Clement, Worcester

Published: 14th January 2018

​An Announcement from the Bishop.

Phil Bradford to be Rector of the Worcester West Team

Published: 14th January 2018

An announcement from the Bishop.

Holocaust Memorial Day in Worcester

Published: 11th January 2018

Worcester Mayor Steve Mackay will host a Holocaust Memorial Day event in the Guildhall on Saturday 27 January at 10.30am.

New Strategic Manager appointed

Published: 8th January 2018

Diane Reeves has been appointed as Strategic ProgrammeManager in the diocesan office. Funded through a grant from the ArchbishopsCouncil, Diane will help manage our programme of projects in our four priorityareas under the Kingdom People vision: chil

Starfest in Kidderminster West

Published: 7th January 2018

Heather Prangley from Holy Innocents' in Kidderminster, explains what the parish has been doing through the Christmas season to Epiphany: "The theme from Advent to Epiphany for Kidderminster WestTeam Ministry has been Follow the Star and we have

New Vicar for Great Malvern Priory

Published: 7th January 2018

​An announcement from the Bishop.

#LiveLent with the Church of England

Published: 3rd January 2018

This year's lent course from the Church of England will be #LiveLent- Let your light shine. It is a Lenten journey through the Gospel of John, offering ashort daily reading, a pause for reflection and prayer and a challenge toact,with a focus on

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Mission Accompaniers help prepare churches for mission

28th March 2025

An independent review of the Mission Accompaniers scheme has found that it effectively prepared churches for mission.

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