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Harvington CE School is a good global neighbour

Published: 18th October 2022

Harvington CE First School, just outside of Evesham, has achieved a silver award from Christian Aid’s Global Neighbours Scheme.  The scheme celebrates schools that are helping pupils to learn about global poverty and the Christian responsibility to tackle it, motivating children to become good citizens and play their role in creating a fairer world.

Anti-slavery day

Published: 18th October 2022

Today (18 October) is anti-slavery day. Worcester Diocesan Mothers’ Union have been working on a special awareness raising campaign across our 50 Mothers’ Union Groups and churches where the Mothers’ Union has a presence, for the week around this day.

West Midlands Church Leaders commit to work together

Published: 13th October 2022

Church leaders from across the West Midlands representing a range of traditions and ethnicities met together earlier in the month to pray together and encourage each other.

The Angel of Love in Alvechurch

Published: 13th October 2022

A new sculpture has been unveiled in the churchyard of St Laurence's Church in Alvechurch during Baby Loss Awareness Week as a memorial to children who died too soon.

Bishop John to take part in the Big Sleep Out

Published: 13th October 2022

Bishop John will take part in the Worcester Big Sleep Out on Friday night to raise money for St Paul's Hostel, Warriors Community Foundation, and Maggs Day Centre.

Re-ordering work starts at St Helen's Worcester

Published: 12th October 2022

St Helen's Church in Worcester is part of All Saints' parish, one of our two resourcing churches. This week, a major refurbishment project has begun in order to restore the church back to its original layout and to provide an accessible, multifunctional and comfortable space in the very centre of city. 

Calling Young Disciples & future support for children’s & youth work

Published: 6th October 2022

The Calling Young Disciples (CYD) Project will come to an end in July next year. The objective of the project has been to see a significant and sustained increase in the capacity of churches across the Diocese to engage with children and young people - so that they respond to God’s call to be disciples of Jesus.

Review into past safeguarding cases published

Published: 5th October 2022

Following the publication of the national report into the church of England’s review into past safeguarding cases, we have today published an executive summary of the review undertaken in our diocese.

St George’s Church finalist in National Churches Trust Awards

Published: 3rd October 2022

Congratulations to St George’s Church in Kidderminster who have been selected to be a finalist in the National Churches’ Trust’s Church Maintenance Awards.

Can I count them?

Published: 3rd October 2022

Each October, parishes are asked to record attendances at services as part of the Church of England's national data collection. But who should you count? We've put together this blog post to check you're including everyone.

Black History Month

Published: 3rd October 2022

This Black History Month will kick off a series of events and resources encouraging individuals and churches to engage with our black history and issues of racial justice.

CoE Route map to Net Carbon Zero

Published: 27th September 2022

The Diocesan Climate Crisis Group is encouraging parishes to engage with the Church of England’s Route map to Net Zero Carbon by 2030. The document was approved by General Synod in July and has recently been published on the Church of England’s website.

New Deans of Retired Clergy

Published: 26th September 2022

Bishop John has appointed Ann Waizeneker and Guy Hewlett as new joint Deans of Retired Clergy.  Ann and Guy will support retired clergy & bereaved clergy partners by being an initial point of contact and planning occasional events through the year.  They take over from Chris Liley and Judith Oliver.

Harvest Festival in Worcester Cathedral

Published: 21st September 2022

This year’s Farmers’ Harvest Festival will take place at 6.30pm on Sunday, 2 October in Worcester Cathedral. As with all festivals, this service will give thanks for the farmers who ensure we have food on our plates and celebrate rural life in general.

Diocesan three to run the London Marathon

Published: 19th September 2022

Nick Gowers, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Old Hill, Sam Setchell, Director of Communications and Harriet Chimani, member of Inkberrow Church and Bishop's Council will all be running the London Marathon this year for different charities.

Four new lay ministers licensed

Published: 17th September 2022

Four people from parishes across the Diocese were admitted to the office of Reader on Saturday in Worcester Cathedral. The Bishop of Worcester, Dr John Inge, conducted the service, licensing the individuals to minister in the parishes they have been called to serve.

Remembering the Queen at Suckley Church

Published: 13th September 2022

Suckley Church held their annual BFG Fest (Beer, Food and Gifts Festival) last Saturday - and it became a welcome natural opportunity to bring people together when we all needed each other.

Worcester Cathedral - 'Living Gently on the Earth'

Published: 5th September 2022

In May 2022, Worcester Cathedral launched Living Gently on the Earth – a series of events, talks, and workshops on caring for our planet. More events are planned throughout the Autumn and Winter.

Visit a church over the Heritage Open Day weekends

Published: 2nd September 2022

Churches across Worcestershire and Dudley are opening their doors for this year’s Heritage Open Days (9-18 Sept) with a range of activities for all ages and a chance to discover the story behind our historic churches and the communities they serve.

Men’s Shed at St Clement’s Church, Worcester

Published: 1st September 2022

It is hoped that the crypt at St Clement’s Church in Worcester will become the venue for a new ‘Men’s Shed’, enabling local men to come together, learn new skills and chat over a cup of coffee.

Latest News

New Director of Mission & Ministry

6th March 2025

Joseph Diwakar has been appointed as the new Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese. Joseph is currently Tutor and Lecturer in Church History at St Mellitus College, London, as well as being a member of the Archbishop’s Council.

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The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

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If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

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Every two weeks we produce a short video reflection. These cover a range of topics and themes and are published on the website and our social media channels.

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