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Diocese joins ACAT

ACAT logoThe Diocese of Worcester has become a block member of the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT), which supports church treasurers in their role. By being block members, our treasurers can join ACAT at no cost to their parish and access their range of advice.

ACAT is a charity set up to support church treasurers of all Christian denominations, and aims to advance the Christian faith by providing members with the most appropriate advice, training and information on accounting, financial, legal and other related issues. ACAT currently supports around 18,500 church treasurers across the UK.

There are many benefits to joining ACAT; members have access to the website, which includes the latest financial news stories, case studies and the online edition of their handbook, which is kept up-to-date with all matters relating to church finance and administration, such as GDPR, bookkeeping, Gift Aid and copyright and licences.

They also run training events and run an annual conference, and are working with the National Church of England in developing a new series of training videos for new treasurers.

Chris Boden, Diocesan Stewardship & Resources Officer, said: “This is a great opportunity for all our treasurers to access further free support in their work of stewarding and caring for our churches and their resources. We realise that the role of treasurer is complex and becoming more complicated as Charity law changes, and so we wanted to ensure that our treasurers have access the best advice, tailored specifically for them. ACAT gives us this opportunity and so we are proud to now be members alongside many other dioceses in the Church of England.”

In order to find out more and join ACAT, please visit this page of our website

Published: 15th March 2023
Page last updated: Wednesday 15th March 2023 2:15 PM

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