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New Director of Mission and Ministry

Published: 24th April 2023

​​​​​​​The Revd Dr Roger Latham has been appointed as the new Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese. Roger will be responsible for leading and developing the team which will oversee our underpinning priority of equipping ministers for mission.

Gifts for Perry Wood Primary School

Published: 21st April 2023

Just before Easter, Holy Trinity and St Matthew’s Church in Ronkswood gave gifts to the children in Years 2 & 3 at Perry Wood Primary School.

Faith through Films resource

Published: 19th April 2023

Faith through films is the latest resource from the Calling Young Disciples team, which uses different films to explore a theme linked to a bible passage.

Silver Eco Award for St Anne’s Church in Bewdley

Published: 18th April 2023

Bishop Martin recently visited St Anne’s Church in Bewdley where he was able to present the church its silver Eco Church Award!

Are you using the free Life Events Diary?

Published: 12th April 2023

The Life Events Diary is offered free to CoE churches and is an online administration tool to help streamline the administration of baptism, weddings, banns, and funerals.

Kidderminster Churchwarden receives Maundy Money

Published: 11th April 2023

Michael Gough from Stone Church near Kidderminster was among 74 people to receive ‘Maundy Money’ from HM the King in recognition of their exemplary Christian service to church and community over many years.

Interactive treasure trail around Malvern

Published: 3rd April 2023

St Andrews and All Saints Churches in Malvern have developed a free interactive treasure hunt around the town and hills, which can be completed any time between 1 and 17 April.

Messages of hope this Eastertime

Published: 1st April 2023

This year's Easter messages from our bishops remind us that the Easter story always gives us hope in a difficult world.

Exploring Holy Week through art

Published: 31st March 2023

Many of our clergy have been going into schools this week to talk about Easter. Gary Crellin, Vicar of Powick, Guarlford & Madresfield with Newland has used an original piece of artwork to explore the story in a completely different way! 

Telling bible stories through Playmobil

Published: 30th March 2023

During lockdown, curate Julia Quinn was keen to find a way of continuing to connect with people, so began recording short films of bible stories using Playmobil.

Transformation Programme Director appointed

Published: 29th March 2023

​​​​​​​Damian Herbert has been appointed as the new Transformation Programme Director for the Diocese, replacing Rob Quarton who will be retiring at the end of April.

Reconsidering the Easter Lily

Published: 28th March 2023

Have you considered the environmental impact of using lilies in church floral displays this Easter? The Sustainable Church Flower movement are arguing it's time to make a change.

New book of the Dean's sermons

Published: 27th March 2023

To mark his retirement later in 2023, Sacristy Press are publishing a collection of 50 sermons preached by the Dean, Peter Atkinson over the past 30 years.

Paying Ministry Share in a rural benefice

Published: 24th March 2023

In 2022, the benefice of Church Lench w Rous Lench & Abbots Morton & Harvington managed to pay their Ministry Share in full, helped with a grant from the Ministry Support Fund. Read more about their story.

National Church commits significant long-term funding to our diocese

Published: 17th March 2023

The national church has agreed in principle to allocate significant funding to our diocese over the next seven years, investing in our plans to grow as Kingdom People and supporting the priorities agreed by the Diocesan Synod.

Rich Johnson becomes National Leader of New Wine

Published: 17th March 2023

Rich Johnson, Vicar of All Saints in Worcester is to be the new National Leader of New Wine, a network of evangelical churches in England. Rich will take on the role from May. He will be seconded to New Wine for 45% of his time while continuing to work in our Resourcing Church for the other 55%.  

Diocese joins ACAT

Published: 15th March 2023

The Diocese has become a member of the Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers (ACAT), enabling treasurers to join ACAT at no cost to their parish and access their range of advice.

Impact of Ministry Share on Netherton Church

Published: 13th March 2023

The Forge group of churches are in a highly populated but very deprived area, with parishioners in the bottom 10% of the country economically. However, during 2022 they were able to considerably increase their income, helped in part by the move to Ministry Share.

Diocesan Holy Land Pilgrimage

Published: 13th March 2023

During February, Bishops John and Martin led a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Watch a film of some of the pilgrims sharing their thoughts on the experience.

School children encouraged to 'Gather' in church

Published: 3rd March 2023

Gather is a new partnership between a Church of England Primary School and their local church. It is a monthly act of worship immediately after school for children and their parents/ carers which uses elements with which the children will already be familiar from school.

Latest News

New Director of Mission & Ministry

6th March 2025

Joseph Diwakar has been appointed as the new Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese. Joseph is currently Tutor and Lecturer in Church History at St Mellitus College, London, as well as being a member of the Archbishop’s Council.

Sign up for the Diocesan Mailing

The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

Send us your news

If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

Latest Video Reflection

Every two weeks we produce a short video reflection. These cover a range of topics and themes and are published on the website and our social media channels.

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