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Bredon wins churchyard award

Bredon churchyard with the church in the backgroundSt Giles Church in Bredon has won the Worcestershire CPRE best kept churchyard competition in the category for churchyards over one acre.

The church will receive a cheque for £100, plus the option of planting a tree to which Worcestershire CPRE will contribute £50. Bredon Church put themselves forward for the award and were secretly inspected by the charity.

Churchwarden, Andrew Chapman, said: “We are thrilled to have received this award. We endeavour to keep our churchyard in good condition but at the same time do what we can to make it a sustainable area. The churchyard is lovingly looked after by two volunteers, Charles Vernall and Adrain Bailey as well as by the grass cutting contractor Greenworks (Adam Gallgher).”

Graves and wildflowers in Bredon ChurchyardIn their churchyard, Bredon PCC:

  • Cultivate areas of wild growth to encourage insect life.
  • Use old grave spaces to grow flowers for the Flower Guild to use in their displays.
  • Have planted two crab apple trees that will encourage pollinators in the Spring and provide food for birds in the Autumn.
  • Tactfully control the placing of plants and flowers on grave sites by bereaved relatives
  • Maintain as far as possible the agreed regulations for the erection of monuments and memorials.
  • Have acquired and prepared a half-acre extension of the churchyard (from a former glebe field) to allow for future burials.

Congratulations to all at Bredon Church on this award.

Published: 5th October 2023
Page last updated: Friday 6th October 2023 4:36 PM

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