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Praying for Growth using the Advent wreath

Advent candles fully litIn Advent, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of King Jesus, we reflect on his message that “The kingdom of God has come near” (Mark 1:15), and ask ourselves how we may be better at “preparing the way of the Lord.” (Mark 1:3). This makes Advent a particularly appropriate time for us to pray for our diocesan vision and priorities, that we might indeed grow as Kingdom People.

We offer the prayers below for you to use with the lighting of the candles on your advent wreath each week. They follow the traditional themes of Advent: the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, the Prophets, John the Baptist and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The tune the song is set to is Personent Hodie, found, for example, as 484 in Hymns Ancient and Modern New Standard, 10 in the New English Hymnal, and 406 in Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New.

Download the Advent wreath prayers as a tri-fold pdf.

1st Sunday of Advent – New Worshipping Communities

Blessed are you, God of Abraham and Sarah,
summoning the old to walk with you into new life.
At your call the family of Abraham left their world behind,
seeking the life you promised.
In our day, help us hear your call,
explore new paths of faith,
find you in unexpected places,
and help make new homes
ready to welcome Christ our Lord.


Take this light, let it shine:
Abram blest, Israel’s line,
called by love, all divine,
making God’s new nation,
sharing God’s salvation.

Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.

2nd Sunday of Advent – Equipping Ministers for Mission

Blessed are you, God of seers and prophets,
summoning out your servants to speak your word,
opening our closed hearts to the fullness of your future:
as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus,
in whom all your promises find their fulfilment,
open our eyes to a bolder vision,
and equip our hands for a humbler service,
that we may truly bear witness to your love made flesh,
Jesus Christ our Lord.


Take this flame, let it burn:
prophets called: “Hatred spurn,
serve the Lord, to God turn:
God will love and pardon,
bear away your burden.”

Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.

3rd Sunday of Advent – Renewals

Blessed are you, God of John the Baptist,
summoning your people to transformation and renewal.
Through the waters of the Red Sea
you led your people to freedom.
In the waters of the Jordan,
John proclaimed hope of a world made new.
Renew that hope in our day,
that we may see your power to change lives,
and transform communities in love and service,
as we await the joyful coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.


Take this wick, let it glow
for the one come to show
way of God, Christ to know:
baptized in the river,
new life to deliver.

Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.

4th Sunday of Advent – Children and Young People

Blessed are you, God from eternity and ever new,
God of Mary, most blessed teenaged mother,
God in Christ, most blessed infant Lord.
Help your church to learn how to live
with the faith of children,
nurture the life of Christ in the young,
and grow into the maturity of Christ,
young and old together,
that with Mary, we may say our “yes”
to your love at the heart of the universe,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Take this spark, let it blaze,
angel’s call, she amazed,
now says yes, God be praised:
in the womb of woman,
God the word is human.

Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.

Christmas Day – Growing as Kingdom People

Blessed are you, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
for in him your love makes its home in our world,
your life takes form in a human child,
and your kingdom becomes present in our midst.
As we celebrate the birth of the Christ-child,
open our hearts to his love and compassion,
open our lives to his justice and freedom,
and help us always be transformed by your Spirit
that we may live and grow as your kingdom people,
gathered into one in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Take this fire, let it flame,
God is born in our frame,
word made flesh we acclaim,
love’s new dawn is breaking,
new the world is making.

Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.


The complete carol: Take this light

Take this light, let it shine:
Abram blest, Israel’s line,
called by love, all divine,
making God’s new nation,
sharing God’s salvation.

Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.

Take this flame, let it burn:
prophets called: “Hatred spurn,
serve the Lord, to God turn:
God will love and pardon,
bear away your burden.”

Take this wick, let it glow
for the one come to show
way of God, Christ to know:
baptised in the river,
new life to deliver.

Take this spark, let it blaze,
angel’s call, she amazed,
now says yes, God be praised:
in the womb of woman,
God the word is human.

Take this fire, let it flame,
God is born in our frame,
word made flesh we acclaim,
love’s new dawn is breaking,
new the world is making.

Please include this copyright notice with the hymn: Advent Wreath Song © 2010, 2023 Doug Chaplin. Used with permission.

Published: 26th October 2023
Page last updated: Thursday 2nd November 2023 9:27 AM

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12th March 2025

Janet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

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