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Sign up for the Diocesan Mailings

The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunities and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. The Training Mailing is produced every month and is a round up of upcoming training opportunities around the diocese.

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New Team Rector for Bromsgrove

Published: 11th March 2019

An announcement from the Bishop.

Bishop Graham helps highlight the issue of Period Poverty

Published: 8th March 2019

To mark InternationalWomens Day, Bishop Graham was asked to speak at an event in Dudley aboutPeriod Poverty called About Bloody Time. Organised by the Churches Housing Associationin Dudley and District (CHADD), which Bishop Graham chairs, he was some

Christ Church Catshill celebrates its 180th birthday

Published: 7th March 2019

As part of Christ Church Catshills 180thbirthday celebrations, couples had the chance to renew their marriage vowsduring a special service on Sunday 17th February 2019. An exhibitionof wedding dresses and photographs aged from the mid-twentieth centu

Taizé Brother/Monk to Visit Worcester

Published: 6th March 2019

Brother Jean- Patrick from the TaizCommunity of the Reconciliation in France has chosen to come to Worcester and will speak at the cathedral aswell as share in a special service in the beautiful style of Taiz, on Friday 22 March at 7.30pm.Brother Jea

Being a Governor in a Church of England School

Published: 6th March 2019

Have you considered becoming a Governor at a Church School?

The Chrism Eucharist 2019

Published: 6th March 2019

Do you know about the annual Chrism Eucharist?

Letter from Archdeacon of Worcester

Published: 6th March 2019

It seems to me thatcertain key truths in our lives are beyond words. Not for nothing has theChurch brought poets, hymn writers, painters, artists and musicians into itslife to express what words are not adequate to say.The same happens with those we

Bishop John's 2019 Lent Appeal for Peru

Published: 1st March 2019

Bishop John writes:My Lent Appeal last year was for Berega Hospitalin Tanzania: I would first like to thank you for your generosity in respondingto that appeal. I know how much it meantto the hospital: your support made a real difference. This year,

Sharing our churches and halls with other Churches

Published: 1st March 2019

Oneof the Kingdom People priorities is Committedto making our buildings fit for purpose as a spiritual and community resource. Toomany churches are locked for all but a couple of hours a week when they couldbe a vital spiritual and community resource

Stoke Prior Church receives funding for essential repairs

Published: 1st March 2019

After three years of tireless fundraising, St Michael andAll Angels Stoke Prior received development funding from the National LotteryHeritage Fund in November 2018 to support with their restoration project. Theproject aims to repair damage that the

New RE Advisers for the Diocesan Education Team

Published: 28th February 2019

Thereare two new Religious Education (RE) Advisers in the Diocesan Education Team. KateCope and Tracy Lister took up their posts at the beginning of January and betweenthem will provide RE support to schools across the Diocese and as well as beinginv

Brickworks Church in Lye

Published: 13th February 2019

Brickworks is a small church plant based at the Stambermillend of the parish of Christ Church in Lye, just outside of Stourbridge. It isled by the Revd Tom Fish and his wife, Helen, and over the past few years hasbeen engaging the community and evolv

Packs available to give to wedding couples

Published: 12th February 2019

Isyour church looking for simple materials to support couples on their journeybefore, during and after marriage in your church? Beautiful church weddinginformation packs produced by the Church of England are available to purchasefrom reception a

Parish Giving Scheme to launch in the Diocese

Published: 7th February 2019

On 28 February, the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) will belaunched in the Diocese at an event for clergy and others.The PGS has already been adopted by 26 dioceses across theChurch of England. It enables individuals to give to their parish churchregularl

2 years of Calling Young Disciples

Published: 7th February 2019

Over the two years, 10 parishes across the Diocese have receivedsupport from a Mission Enabler and they have worked with 42 individualcongregations, in both urban and rural settings. The team have also beenoffering training to a wider number of paris

Exciting activities at Great Malvern Priory following grant win for urgent stonework repairs

Published: 7th February 2019

Urgent buildingworks to preserve parts of Great Malvern Priory can begin in the summer thanksto a grant of 83,400 received from the Heritage Lottery Fund. A further55,000, from four other charitable trusts, has also been given to the Priory tosupport

Work place chaplains commissioned in Pershore

Published: 6th February 2019

Each year, Churches Together in Pershore, anecumenical group including Pershore Abbey, Pershore Baptist Church, Pershore RomanCatholic Church and Pershore Community Church, come together for an annualservice of Christian Unity.This year's service in

Mothering Sunday 2019

Published: 6th February 2019

31st March is Mothering Sunday.

Becoming an Eco Diocese

Published: 6th February 2019

The Diocese of Worcester is looking to become an Eco Diocese

Shrove Tuesday

Published: 6th February 2019

Shrove Tuesday marks the final day before the start of Lent.

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Alison Maddocks to retire

11th February 2025

Alison Maddocks, our Dean of Smaller Churches will retire at the end of May this year. Alison has worked in the role since the start of 2021, supporting those churches with an active membership of 20 or fewer.

Sign up for the Diocesan Mailing

The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

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If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

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