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Finding joy in our lives!

Bwana asifiwe were the Swahili words I kept hearingduring a recent visit to Tanzania. Its used as a greeting and means Praisethe Lord.

As a group from the Dioceseof Worcester visiting our sisters and brothers in Christ in the Diocese ofMorogoro, we were caught up in many times of praise. Together we sang andprayed, talked and danced. People, young and old, seemed to almost burst with joy;the women clicking their tongues from side to side in their mouths to make theunique ululating sound.

Their joyfulness will longremain with me. As we travelled around the diocese, we kept meeting people,especially in remote villages, who, more often than not, had little economicmeans and little stuff, yet had lives that were overflowing with generosity,delight, hope and joy.

This shouldnt have come as asurprise to me. Many years ago, C.S. Lewis book Surprised by Joy openedmy eyes to an understanding that joy can be found in the depths of our being.It is the pearl of great price.

Words of Mother Julian ofNorwich that the fullness of joy is to see God in all things came back to meas I looked at the joyous faces of people eating a simple meal of rice andplantain.

I realised in Morogoro thatthe Western Church has too often lost its pearl and desperately needs tore-find it. Weve stopped expecting to see God in all things and need to re-openour eyes.

I wonder where joy featuresin your life and in the life of your church?

The Gospel turns despair intohope, scarcity into abundance, sadness into joy. Do our lives reflect that? Ordo we tend to wear our funeral faces too frequently?

Pope Francis recently said,Christians should share their joy, point to a horizon of beauty and inviteothers to a delicious banquet. He went on to say that an evangelisingcommunity is filled with joy; it knows how to rejoice always.

As Gods Kingdom People inthe Diocese of Worcester, when might you be joyful today and how might youshare that with someone else?

Published: 5th April 2019
Page last updated: Friday 5th April 2019 10:06 AM

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