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Faith at Work in Worcestershire discusses Brexit

Faith at Work in Worcestershire has recently held an Open Meetingon the topic of A Christian perspective on Brexit and its impact on our localeconomy. The keynote speaker was David Hallam, a former Labour Member of theEuropean Parliament for Shropshire, Herefordshire & Wyre Forrest and MethodistLay Preacher.

David gave an engaging and impassioned talk on the EuropeanUnion and its history, suggesting some explanations for the position anddifficulties in which the country now finds itself.Those attending came from many churches of differingdenominations and also from various working sectors, including manufacturing,agriculture, hospitality, retail and the public services. Unsurprisingly one ofthe most important concerns expressed was the difficulty in coping with the lack of certainty. Sadness and regret wereexpressed as anecdotes were recalled revealing divisions in relationshipsbetween communities, colleagues, friends and families and workers from overseaswere reported as feeling unwelcome.

Faith at Work in Worcestershire's open meetingThose present were challenged to question how they bring themessage of the love of Jesus into the ensuing disturbances. One answer suggestedwas to pray. It was accepted that on the surface, prayer may seem like a weakresponse. However, the audience was reminded that in times of great trouble,Jesus first response was prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool and Christians mustcontinue to pray in earnest.

People were also encouraged to engage with their communitiesas many who may have voted leave did so as they felt left behind, ignored anddisenfranchised by the current political and economic system.

David commented that whatever outcome Westminster decides,as a country we will continue to have on going relationships with other Europeancountries and we share a cultural and religious heritage with them. Therefore, theaudience was encouraged to strengthen existing alternative European bonds, suchas town twinning arrangements, to help to repair any damage to ourinternational relationships, as we need to work together to make the world abetter place.

Many present had witnessed verbal abuse of migrants in theircommunities. David suggested that Christians could be bolder in their living ofthe gospel and at the same time reminding those present that while they would understandablyabhor such views, they must remember that those expressing them are still lovedby God.

It was recognised that such deep divisions in our societywill take some considerable time to heal, but as Christians we can be part ofthat healing process.

The Meeting closed with a time of prayer led by the Revd DickJohnson from Faith at Work in Worcestershire. He encouraged those present to eachplay their part to spread the healing love of God.

Published: 10th April 2019
Page last updated: Wednesday 10th April 2019 8:43 PM

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