AsI write this we are in the midst of the longest and most intensive heat wave Ican remember since the mid 1970s.Its agreat joy for most though tempers do tend to get a bit frayed now and thenwhen people feel they are about to melt.
Duringthe heat wave, the General Synod gathered at York University to consider anumber of things, among them a motion encouraging the Church of England to takean ever greater interest in the absolute necessity to address climate change.The motion urged us to recognise the escalating threat to Gods creation fromglobal warming and climate change, and the suffering caused, particularly tothe poor.
Globalwarming has now been shown by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tobe unequivocal. We see the effects of it in this country for example, inthe pattern of flash flooding increasing in frequency and severity in Cornwall,culminating in the apocalyptic downpour and flash flooding in Coverack lastyear. The worst effects, however, are felt by the poorest countries and peoplewho lack resources and resilience. In some areas notably the Pacific Islands it is devastating.
Thework of creation care is an obligation on all Christians, firmly set within ourunderstanding of mission. The fifth mark of mission of the Anglican Communioncommits us to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain andrenew the life of the earth. This includes helping to tackle climate change.Our primary duty is to God, then to our fellow human beings in this and futuregenerations.
Ihope and pray that, as we prepare to celebrate harvest and give thanks for allthe blessings that God showers upon us, we shall all renew our commitment todoing our bit to tackle climate change. That would be a suitable thanksoffering.