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On a wing and a prayer!

On 15 May, the Revd Jo Musson,Vicar of Claines Church in Worcester will be doing a wing walk to raise moneyfor one of her churches as well as a cancer charity. Jo hates flying and isafraid of heights but will be standing on the wing of a 1940s Boeing StearmanBiplane for around ten minutes at the height of 500 feet roughly two and ahalf times the height of Worcester Cathedral tower!

Jo is hoping to collect sponsormoney for her challenge to help make Claines Church more visitor-friendly adding a toilet, making the church more accessible and installing facilities toenable refreshments to be made. In addition, 10% of her sponsorship will begiven to the cancer charity, Bloodwise.

She said: This is a realchallenge for me the swan ride at Alton Towers is usually much more my levelof adventure! However, I was challenged to do something daring by a friend whohas been through a lot herself after a diagnosis of cancer and this was hersuggestion! Plus, I really want to offer better facilities for thehundreds of people who come to Claines Church every month.Nothing extravagant, just normal everyday things that visitors expect,like a toilet! And facilities so we can offer refreshments at schoolevents, concerts and community activities and make the church moreaccessible for people.

Jos first challenge will be toactually climb up onto the wing! The climb involves a high leg lift onto thelower wing, and another high leg lift to get over the side of the cockpit.She will pull herself up using the various struts and wires to climb upeventually onto the top wing. Once there, Jo will be strapped intoa harness and when the pilot is happy, the plane will take off and flyacross the fields around Cirencester at a speed of up to 120mph for around 10minutes.

Jo continued: I won't begoing for any dazzling sequences of acrobatic manoeuvres, or loop theloops; my only aim will be to cling on for dear life. Im told the forceof the wind is considerable, and tight clothing and glued-down hair are amust. There will be no means of verbal communication between me and the pilot,just hand signals. If I give the thumbs up it means Im OK, two thumbsdown means Im not happy, LAND quickly! I hate flying and am terrified of heights, but the idea of awing walk wouldnt go away. I know God has given me the courage to face somevery challenging situations in the 10 years since my ordination and I knowhell give me the courage to do this too.

To honour the friend whochallenged her, 10% of the money raised by Jo will go to the charityBloodwise, a charity that works to change the lives of people living withblood cancer. The rest will support the Claines 20/20 Vision project toimprove the church.

Jos wing walk will take placeon 15 May at 12.15pm from RFC Rendcomb Airfield, in Cirencester. You cansponsor her at:

Published: 5th April 2019
Page last updated: Friday 5th April 2019 1:30 PM

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