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Called to Action - home and church energy

Published: 12th October 2021

This edition of Called to Action focusses on home and church energy and the small changes you can make to make a difference.

Bishop calls for sustainable church flowers

Published: 21st September 2021

Bishop Martin is supporting a campaign calling for churches to take a more sustainable approach to flower arranging and whenever possible, stop using floral foam in their displays.

Called to Action - Climate Sunday ideas

Published: 6th August 2021

The latest edition of Called to Action includes ideas of how to mark Climate Sunday in your church - worship, commit and speak up.

Why let the grass grow around our churches?

Published: 4th August 2021

In this blog post, the diocesan Climate Crisis Group explains the benefits of keeping a wildflower area of your churchyard.

Called to Action: Journey to COP26

Published: 28th July 2021

The latest edition of Called to Action encourages Eco Churches across our Diocese to 'twin' with another Eco Church which is on the route to COP26 in Glasgow. We hope to set up enough partnerships to have 'walked' all the way to the climate change conference.

Called to Action: Planting for Pollinators

Published: 16th July 2021

This edition of Called to Action, small steps to save our planet, explores what we can do to encourage bees and other pollinators to thrive in our gardens. 

Plastic Free July

Published: 1st July 2021

This July is Plastic Free July, a movement that helps people be part of the solution to plastic pollution so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you choose to refuse single-use plastics?

Plastic Free July Logo

Young Christian Climate Network relay to COP26

Published: 24th June 2021

This edition of Called to Action features walks planned by the Dioceses of Worcester and Gloucester in August, which will link up to the Young Christian Climate network's relay to COP26.

Called to Action: Dreams Hopes and Prayers

Published: 11th June 2021

A new project across the Diocese asks you to consider your dreams, hopes and prayers for the future of our planet. Find out more in this Called to Action.

Called to Action: Eco Church

Published: 27th May 2021

Eco Church is a structured award scheme which recognises and encourages the environmentally positive steps that churches can take. We have committed to becoming an Eco Diocese and would like as many churches as possible to get involved and earn their bronze, silver and gold awards!

Called to Action: Holiday Travel

Published: 13th May 2021

As we begin to think about holidays, this edition of Called to Action looks at how we can minimise our holiday footprint.

Called to Action: Rogation and No Mow May

Published: 29th April 2021

May is a time of sowing and growing. Rogation is when we ask for God's blessing on our fields planted with crops. Find out what small steps you can take to help save our planet.

Called to Action: Journey with us to COP26

Published: 18th March 2021

The latest Called to Action focusses on the start of the journey towards COP26 in November.

Called to Action: Earth Hour

Published: 7th March 2021

The latest edition of small steps to save the planet focusses on Earth Hour.

Called to Action - Green IT

Published: 16th February 2021

Green up the Church Office & Home IT

Archbishop Justin addresses international faith leaders ahead of climate change conference.

Published: 12th February 2021

The Archbishop of Canterbury has addressed the first of a series of online meetings between international faith leaders in preparation for the COP26 climate change conference.

Called to Action in Lent

Published: 5th February 2021

The Diocesan Environmental Group is encouraging everyone to pause, pray, learn, and take action to be part of God’s love for his Creation this Lent.

Called to Action - Getting closer to nature

Published: 26th January 2021

The Diocesan Climate Crisis Group are challenging us to get closer to nature in this edition of their 'Called to Action' series with 'small steps to save the planet'.

Called to Action - Creation Care

Published: 6th January 2021

The Diocesan Climate Crisis group looks at the website Creation Care, which helps households monitor how they care for God's world.

Called to Action - Mince pie moral maze!

Published: 7th December 2020

The Diocesan Environmental Group's latest edition of small tips to save the planet looks at how to make your mince pie choices as ethical as possible! 

Latest News

Retired clergy Candlemas lunch

6th February 2025

Fifty retired clergy and clergy partners enjoyed a Candlemas lunch on Thursday 30 January in the Old Palace, Worcester.

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The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

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If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

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