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Called to Action: Dreams Hopes and Prayers

Called to Action logoA new project across the Diocese asks you to consider your dreams, hopes and prayers for the future of our planet. Find out more in this edition of Called to Action: Small steps to save the planet.

Research shows that freeing up our imagination to create a vision of a better future, inspires and enables action, actually making positive outcomes far more likely. *

The Dreams, Hopes and Prayers project is an invitation to:

  • Imagine what our communities could be like, if we took big steps to make things better. Maybe imagine a child in our future community. Where would they play? What might they see, hear, smell, taste or learn?
  • Draw pictures or write words within the circle, to capture your dreams, hopes and prayers.
  • Gather together the ‘dream catcher’ circles as part of a Climate Sunday service. A display could help people think beyond today’s news and develop a community vision. Use the project to help with planning and as a starting point for action.
  • Please share copies of your circles with the Diocese, so we can build a shared vision in our area. Email them to us


Everyone is welcome to access further information and the circle template on the project's page on the diocesan website.   

  • Book:  ‘From What Is to What If?’  by Rob Hopkins (creator of Transition Towns) 
  • The Climate Sunday website has resources for environment themed services 

Just now we have the chance to think big, be brave and do things differently.

Taking part in a ‘Dreams, Hopes and Prayers’ project could lead to many different actions within:

Download this Called to Action as a pdf

Published: 11th June 2021
Page last updated: Thursday 16th March 2023 8:43 PM

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