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Called to Action - Watch your waste line this Christmas!

Called to action logoIn the latest edition in our Called to Action series, the Diocesan Environmental Group makes suggestions on how churches can have a more environmentally friendly Christmas. 

Watch your WASTE line this Christmas

1. Source a growing tree which you can keep for future years or plant in your churchyard.

2. One big card in church for everyone to sign

3. Give saved money from cards to a Christian or environmental charity.Christmas tree

4. Ban the use of floral foam in church flower decorations.

5. Hold an eco wrapping workshop in church.

6. Encourage less buying new - Organise a SHWAPPING event where people bring clothes,  toys, gifts, toiletries etc to swap, giving a small donation to charity.

7. Share recipes for Christmas leftovers.

8. Avoid using disposable cups, plates etc at  church parties. Source washable .

9. Buy a gift for the church—a Johanna Composter which takes all food waste safely.

10.  Organise a church walk or family cycle to burn off calories

Filled with desire to do better Lord, we respond to Your call for discipleship by shaping our lives in the imitation of Christ. We profess that the call requires us to be stewards of Your gifts.  As stewards, we receive Your gifts gratefully. Help us to cherish and tend them in a responsible manner, share them in practice & love with others, and return them with increase to you our Lord.  Amen

Other ideas:

Taking action on WATCHING YOUR WASTE LINE THIS CHRISTMAS could support:

  • Eco Church (for churches): B18, L10, C&GE9,14,19,22,23,24,25,27, L6,7,8,9,10
  • Creation Care (for households) : 6.1,6.2,6.4,6.13,6.14,6.16 & 6.19

Download this Called to Action as a pdf

Published: 2nd December 2021
Page last updated: Tuesday 19th December 2023 9:18 PM

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