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An open letter from our bishops

Published: 11th August 2022

Following the end of the Lambeth Conference, Bishops John and Martin have sent a letter to all clergy and Readers. It is published here so it can be read by everyone in our diocese.

Treasurers resources pilot

Published: 5th August 2022

Along with the Dioceses of Sheffield and Rochester, our diocese will be piloting new training and support resources for treasurers produced by the National Church over the next few months. Are you a treasurer who might be involved?

Ensuring churches are accessible for all

Published: 5th August 2022

Having a disability should not be a bar to worship or to inclusion in the church community. Read more about Disability Awareness Sunday and a recent General Synod commitment.

Community confirmation in Martley

Published: 3rd August 2022

Bishop Michael Hooper recently baptised and confirmed Karen at Heaton House in Martley where the parish hold a twice monthly communion service.

Readers reception with the Archbishop of York

Published: 2nd August 2022

Kath Davis and Eileen Tomlin recently attended a reception with the Archbishop of York to celebrate 100 years of the Central Readers' Board.

Bishops of Peru & Morogoro in Worcester

Published: 24th July 2022

Bishop Jorge of Peru and Bishop Godfrey of Morogoro both attended the service in Worcester Cathedral ahead of attending the Lambeth Conference later this week.

Thank you from Stuart Ness

Published: 22nd July 2022

Stuart Ness leaves as our Registrar today. He has thanked Bishop John & all those who he has worked with during his time in the Diocese.

Plaque commemorating persecuted Jews unveiled in Worcester

Published: 22nd July 2022

Dignitaries have gathered in Worcester to commemorate the city’s medieval Jewish community.  Bishop John attended the event, apologising for his predecessor’s actions in helping to drive the Jewish Community from the city in around 1275.

Jon Evans to be Curate in Charge at St Michael, Norton

Published: 17th July 2022

Bishop John is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd Jonathan Evans as Curate in Charge in the Benefice of Norton and Wollaston with responsibility for St Michael, Norton in Stourbridge.

Lunchtime Learning

Published: 15th July 2022

This autumn we’re introducing a new monthly programme of events under the umbrella title “Lunchtime Learning”. It’s intended to share som of the wealth of resources we have within the Diocese.

Catshill Connect

Published: 13th July 2022

Every second and fourth Tuesday in the month, a group comes together at Christ Church in Catshill, just outside of Bromsgrove to share a cup of tea and a chat together from 2 – 3.30pm.

Church Tent at the Redditch Carnival

Published: 12th July 2022

The Redditch Christ the King Benefice were asked to provide a church tent at last weekend's Astwood Bank carnival and much fun was had by all!

Confirmations in Fladbury

Published: 11th July 2022

Congratulations to the four candidates confirmed at St John the Baptist Church in Fladbury on Sunday by Bishop Michael.

Victoria Barlow appointed as Vicar in the Halas Team

Published: 11th July 2022

The Bishop of Worcester is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd Victoria Barlow as Team Vicar in the Halas Team Ministry.

14 people ordained at the Cathedral over this weekend

Published: 3rd July 2022

14 candidates were ordained over the weekend to serve in parishes across the Diocese.

Reg Moule at Holy Innocents' Church, Kidderminster

Published: 23rd June 2022

Reg Moule will be at Holy Innocents’ Church in Kidderminster on Thursday 7 July to answer all your tricky gardening questions.

Holiday Club at St Martin’s Church

Published: 22nd June 2022

For three weeks over the school summer holiday, St Martin’s Church on the London Road, Worcester will be hosting a HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) holiday club for children of families on low incomes.

New Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

Published: 22nd June 2022

Claire Arden has been appointed as the new Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser following the retirement of Sarah Booth. Claire will work with Hilary and Delia in the safeguarding team, providing safeguarding support and advice across the Diocese.

‘Coffee Stop’ facilitated with a Kingdom People Grant

Published: 20th June 2022

Curate in Redditch, Mother Victoria Barlow & Lay Reader Fiona Carter have recently opened a ‘coffee stop’ at the church to reach out to local school parents with help from a Kingdom People Fund grant.

Digital giving rollout

Published: 20th June 2022

As part of the national giving strategy of the Church of England, our diocese will be receiving 30 contactless devices for our churches this October, amounting to over £13,000 of investment.

Latest News

New Director of Mission & Ministry

6th March 2025

Joseph Diwakar has been appointed as the new Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese. Joseph is currently Tutor and Lecturer in Church History at St Mellitus College, London, as well as being a member of the Archbishop’s Council.

Sign up for the Diocesan Mailing

The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

Send us your news

If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

Latest Video Reflection

Every two weeks we produce a short video reflection. These cover a range of topics and themes and are published on the website and our social media channels.

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