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Collaborative Zoom training

People gathered for the training on ZoomThe Churches of St Wulstan and St Barnabas in Worcester have started to come together to take part in diocesan training over Zoom.

Vicar Sarah Northall explains:

“There is currently a series of diocesan training events being offered over Zoom for those in local leadership of our parishes. I was keen for PCC members at St Wulstan’s Church to attend but many are not familiar with Zoom – it therefore seemed a good idea to meet in church and have food together before logging into the training as a group.Sharing food together

I have also just taken over responsibility for St Barnabas Church so invited their PCC to come along so we could get to know each other.

Last week we met for ‘The Governance Cycle for PCCs’. We started with beef and lentil goulash and sherry trifle and enjoyed both the relaxed time as well as the learning. We were able to be our own break out group, which was great!

TrifleIt was a chance to have a bit of fun together as well as work on the same things. We’ve got plans to collaborate more closely over the next few months and I hope that coming together to make decisions will be easier because we already know each other.

Next week we’ll be gathering for the training on faculties!"

“Remember, you don’t fear people whose story you know.” Margaret Wheatley

Published: 29th November 2022
Page last updated: Tuesday 29th November 2022 9:48 AM

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Janet Fox – Clergy Development Officer

12th March 2025

Janet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

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