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New Residentiary Canon appointed at the Cathedral

Kimberly BohanThe Cathedral has announced that His Majesty The King has approved the appointment of the Reverend Kimberly Bohan as Residentiary Canon of Worcester Cathedral. Kimberly will also be Chaplain of St Oswald’s Hospital, the almshouse in the Tything, which is an ancient part of the Cathedral foundation.

Kimberly will hold the canonry vacated last year by Canon Georgina Byrne, but this is a new, and full-time, role. Kimberly will work with the Dean and Canons, the Director of Learning, and the Librarian, to promote the Cathedral’s learning programmes and the work of the Library as essential parts of the Cathedral’s mission.

Kimberly grew up in the United States and moved to Britain after studying in St Andrews. She was ordained in the Scottish Episcopal Church in 2003 and served her curacy in Glasgow. She was a rector of Holy Trinity, Dunoon, with St Paul's, Rothesay, and St Martin's, Tighnabruaich; and then rector of St Mary's, Dunblane. Since 2013, she has been rector of the Waltham Group in the Diocese of Lincoln and has served as Rural Dean of Haverstoe since 2020. In her time off, Kimberly enjoys walking by rivers, taking photographs, baking bread, and going to the theatre.

Kimberly said: ‘I am honoured and delighted to have been appointed as a Residentiary Canon at Worcester Cathedral and Chaplain of St Oswald's Hospital. This role holds together 1,000 years of commitment to care and friendship at St Oswald's, with an even longer history of commitment to education, curiosity, and shared learning at the Cathedral. I am thrilled to get to share in this work and get to know the communities who sustain a life of prayer, learning, and welcome at St Oswald's and at the Cathedral.’

The Bishop of Worcester, the Right Reverend Dr John Inge, said: ’The appointment of Kimberly Bohan is very good news for the Cathedral and the diocese. Her many gifts and considerable experience will bring great enrichment. I pray that God will bless her ministry here greatly.’  

The Dean of Worcester, the Very Reverend Peter Atkinson, said: ‘I am delighted by Kimberly’s appointment, and look forward to working with her. She brings the gifts the Cathedral needs at this time, and her appointment completes a strong clergy team.’

Kimberly will be installed at Evensong at 5.30 p.m. on Friday 27 January 2023.  

Published: 5th December 2022
Page last updated: Monday 5th December 2022 1:43 PM

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