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Sign up for the Diocesan Mailings

The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunities and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. The Training Mailing is produced every month and is a round up of upcoming training opportunities around the diocese.

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Three Confessions Conference

Published: 17th May 2018

InApril, a group of 28 people gathered at Holland House, roughly a third comingfrom the Diocese of Worcester, a third from our partnership with the ProtestantChurch of Central Germany, and a third Roman Catholics coming from theirdioceses of Birmingh

'Hidden Sentence' training at HMP Hewell

Published: 12th May 2018

Children whoare affected by having a family member in prison are often anxious about theirloved ones and arrive at the prison bewildered and overwhelmed. Specialist Playworkers allay any fears children may have regarding the visit/searchprocedures. C

Holland House chapel rededicated

Published: 11th May 2018

Bishop John was joined by supporters, friends and Trustees of Holland House as he rededicated the retreat house's new chapel. The 50 year old chapel has been completely refurbished, thanks to an appeal launched last year on the 70th anniversary of Ho

Celebrating Calling Young Disciples in Kidderminster East

Published: 11th May 2018

Kidderminster East parish held a special celebration onSunday, to commission their Calling Young Disciples team and mark the end ofAdam Legges year as a Mission Enabler with them.The Worship for All service was led by curate, Rachel Akers,with the bi

Coming together to pray for Dudley!

Published: 11th May 2018

Christians from every denomination will be joining together in the ruins of Dudley Priory on Sunday 20 May at 2.30pm to pray for the life of the Borough and give thanks to God for all who live and work there.

Celebrating Pentecost together at the Cathedral!

Published: 10th May 2018

Christians from across the county will come together for a Pentecost service at the Cathedral at 6.30pm on Sunday 20 May.

Sedgley War Memorials project

Published: 4th May 2018

Barbara Price, member of All Saints, Sedgley has spent hourscataloguing and researching 294 soldiers who died in the First World War fromthe local area. She now has individual profiles on all the men who died and hasvisited many of the graves in Engl

Ordinations 2018

Published: 3rd May 2018

Over the weekend of 30 June/ 1 July, 14 people will beordained to serve in parishes across the Diocese.12 candidates will be ordained Deacon in the Cathedral onSaturday 30 June and are entering their first year of training as a curate. Afurther two c

Dudley Churches conservation projects

Published: 24th April 2018

Kate Andrewhas taken on supporting three churches in the Dudley area in the delivery phaseof their building conservation projects, all with major grants from the HeritageLottery Fund.St Thomas & St Luke (Top Church) Top Church is now in the very

Children in Bishampton invited to paint ‘My Favourite Things’

Published: 24th April 2018

Localschoolchildren up to 11 years of age are being invited to put on their thinkingcaps to draw or paint their favourite things for this years Bish Bosh BashSummer Fete.The art competition is one of the many popular elements in Bishamptonsannual sum

Michael Clarke receives Canterbury Cross

Published: 23rd April 2018

Canon Professor Michael Clarke was recently presented withThe Canterbury Cross by the Archbishop of Canterbury in recognition of hisservice to the Church of England over many years. He was one of 30 Christianshonoured by Archbishop Justin in the 2018

Sue Oliver to be Priest in Charge of Churchill-in-Halfshire w Blakedown & Broome

Published: 16th April 2018

​An announcement from the Bishop.

Chrism Eucharist Sermon 2018

Published: 12th April 2018

Chrism Mass 2018, Worcester Cathedral1 Samuel 16.1 - 13a2 Corinthians 3.17- 4.12Luke 22.24-30I was talking to a priest in the Diocese the other daywho will be retiring before too long. I thanked her for all she had given. Shereplied that she didnt th

Letter from Archdeacon of Worcester

Published: 4th April 2018

A worldly faith?Sometimes we imagine that our faith is about becoming morereligious. However the French priest and palaeontologist Teilhard de Chardin said,We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beingshaving a human e

Dementia Awareness Week 2019

Published: 4th April 2018

This year, Dementia Awareness Week is from 20 – 26 May.

Rogation Sunday 2018

Published: 4th April 2018

Rogation Sunday is on 6 May.

'Just a Minute' to restore a clock for St Peter's Cradley

Published: 4th April 2018

After the successfulrestoration of the organ at St Peters, attention is now being turned torestoring the tower clock dial saved during the demolition of St Lukes in CradleyHeath. The church wants to install it in the tower of St Peters inCradley for

Astley School unpacks Easter with ‘Open the Book’

Published: 3rd April 2018

An Open The Book team visitedAstley CE Primary School each week in the run up to Easter to share the events that tookplace in Holy Week.Beginning with The Great Paradethe children experienced the excitement of Jesus entry into Jerusalem and wereeach

Sporting success at Northleigh Primary School

Published: 3rd April 2018

A special assembly was held at Northleigh CE Primary School last week tocelebrate the schools unprecedented sporting success this year.Individual pupils were presented with certificates to acknowledge their successout side of school. These recognised

Helping children to 'Experience Easter' in Halas

Published: 28th March 2018

Calling Young Disciples Mission Enabler, Helen Laird is currently working with the Halas Team in Halesowen. They have used two different initiatives this year to help children and families engage with the Easter story. Experience EasterThe Exper

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Alison Maddocks to retire

11th February 2025

Alison Maddocks, our Dean of Smaller Churches will retire at the end of May this year. Alison has worked in the role since the start of 2021, supporting those churches with an active membership of 20 or fewer.

Sign up for the Diocesan Mailing

The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

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If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

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