Heather Prangley from Holy Innocents' in Kidderminster, explains what the parish has been doing through the Christmas season to Epiphany:
"The theme from Advent to Epiphany for Kidderminster WestTeam Ministry has been Follow the Star and we have enjoyed a wide variety ofevents including a visit from a mobile planetarium for schools, studysessions, a Little Star Community Carol Service and a Sparkle Party.
"On Saturday 6 January we opened our doors wide for our final event, our Starfest.The church looked beautiful and our visitors enjoyed a wide variety ofactivities face-painting, drumming, circus skills, sing along to star songs,as well as making lanterns for our Epiphany Lantern Parade which started fromthe bandstand in Brinton Park.
"The Paradewas led by two councillors, Nicky Gale Mayor of Kidderminster and Rose Bishopfollowed by Father Tim Williams as one of the three kings on a camel seephoto. The drummers announced our parade loud and clear.
"On arrivalat church the kings processed to join a living Nativity tableau."