Astley CE Primary School held their first cross country run for Sport Relief on Friday 23 March.
Sports leaders from Oak Class practised warm up routines before the day which they then ably led for the school before the race began. Elm Class were tasked with devising the run and were out in a maths lesson measuring a route and drawing the plan. The 800 metre route included the grounds of the school as well as a section of lane and a lap of Pound field.
Children had just over 30 minutes in which to do as many laps as they could. It was good to see children encouraging one another to keep going as well as parents running alongside their own children. Mrs Kneale, PE co-ordinator at Astley ran the event and reflected afterwards: "This was a lovely community event with lots of parents attending both to marshall the route and to join in the fun. We are keen to promote a healthy lifestyle to our children here and this event has certainly helped to do that."
Mrs Reakes-Williams, Head of School said: "We want to create great memories for our children of their primary school years. I think that this may well be one of those memorable school days. I was most impressed with the distances that the children achieved and the way in which they challenged themselves. All the money raised will fund projects in the UK and across the world tackling critical issues to ensure that people can be happier, safer and healthier."