As it celebrates its 200thbirthday, the Church of St Thomas and St Luke in Dudley (Top Church) will beholding an open meeting on Saturday 22 September to let local people know a fewof the plans for the future of the building and to give them a chance to inputbefore any final decisions are made. In particular, plans to create aresourcing church will mean that the majority of the pews will be removed toensure the church can become more flexible as a community resource and therewill be a chance to view the plans at the meeting.
All are welcome to come alongto Top Church at midday to hear the Archdeacon of Dudley, Nikki Groarke explainhow those parts of the church which are of historic interest will be retainedwhile some changes are made in order to ensure Top Church can remain for futuregenerations to enjoy. The Revd James Treasure will also be present to outlinethe new and exciting vision for the church.
Nikki said: Top Church is aniconic building and we want it to remain at the heart of Dudley Town Centre formany years to come. Although well be keeping some of the original features,its essential to modernise the inside to ensure it is fit for the 21stCentury. The alternative is to close the building and nobody wants to see that.I hope that as many people as possible will come to our open meeting so that wecan involve the local community in our plans and find out more about what theylove about the church.
James said: I am reallylooking forward to leading the resourcing church at Top Church and weve got excitingplans for its future and how it can serve the local community effectively. TopChurch is 200 years old this year and we hope the changes were making willhelp make sure its still here for future generations maybe even for another200 years! Please do come along to find out more and how you can be involved insharing the love of Jesus with the people of Dudley!
The meeting will be at midday on Saturday 22 September at Top Church. All are welcome and refreshments will be available.