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Wadham Downing appointed Chair of the DBF

Wadham DowningWadham Downing, a member of the Cathedral congregation, has been appointed as the next volunteer Chair of the Board of Finance for the Diocese of Worcester. He was nominated by Bishop John at the last diocesan synod meeting following an application and interview process and his appointment was overwhelmingly approved by synod members.

Wadham is retired from a career in commerce, including several roles as Chief Financial Officer for both large PLCs and smaller private equity funded organisations, covering all aspects of business planning, financial reporting and corporate finance. He has been a member of the Diocesan Finance and Resources Committee for the past 18 months including being part of a sub-team advising on the Diocesan Board of Finance’s Investment Strategy. He regularly attends worship in the Cathedral.

When nominating Wadham at Diocesan Synod, Bishop John said: “I am delighted that Wadham has put himself forward to be the next Chair of our DBF. We are fortunate and blessed that someone of his experience and expertise is willing to take on this role and I commend him wholeheartedly to synod.”

Wadham said: “When I retired from executive life, I always thought I would like to get involved in a charity that I felt some empathy for. Although my career has been in a completely different sector, I also find it very uplifting and get a great deal of satisfaction from thinking how to apply knowledge I have learnt in my professional life to help the diocese to deliver its strategy. As a committed Christian I also feel I have been given certain gifts and if I can use them for the benefit of the Church, in any capacity, then that is wonderful.”

The Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance is a voluntary role which helps ensure the financial stewardship of the Diocese supports both our growth and transformation plans. Wadham will help to shape the ongoing vision, values, policies and strategies of the Diocese and has a key role in developing and presenting the annual budget, facilitating dialogue with parishes so there is a mutual understanding of respective financial needs.

Published: 13th November 2023
Page last updated: Monday 13th November 2023 10:05 AM

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