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Janet Fox – Clergy Development Officer

Head and shoulders shot of Janet FoxJanet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

“There are really two parts to my role,” said Janet. “The day-to-day work includes signposting to training, connecting new incumbents with mentors, supporting sabbaticals and looking for learning needs coming out of the Ministry Development Review (MDR) process. Then the other part of my role is focussed on our Equipping Ministers for Mission priority – spending time meeting with clergy, listening to them and understanding what this priority actually looks like in their context and how we can support them in that.”

Janet’s discussions with clergy have led to the development of priority areas. Going forward she is hoping to establish a programme of ‘conversations that make a difference’, offering coaching and pastoral supervision which will support the ministry of our clergy and lay leaders.

A pastoral supervision pilot has recently started thanks to funding from St Luke’s. This will involve 30 clergy over three years who will receive supervision for around 18 months each. The first ten clergy have recently started and are meeting with their supervisor every 6-8 weeks.  “It is completely independent and confidential,” said Janet. “A safe place where clergy can bring their work and experience and think about it with another person. It’s a national pilot focussing on ‘soul, role and context’ (as Director of Ordinands and Vocation John Fitzmaurice puts it) – receiving pastoral supervision has been shown to have strong links with clergy wellbeing. We’ll be evaluating the pilot as we go along and if successful, we will look to offer it more widely.” The next cohort will start in January 2026 and clergy should be in touch with Janet if they might be interested in being involved.

Janet is also building up a bank of external coaches to support clergy who have a particular goal that they are looking to achieve – for example if they are leading a big project in their church, or if there is a particularly difficult situation in the parish. “I am always open to talking with clergy about what they might need in this area and can offer support in the form of a coach, mentor or spiritual director depending on what is right for the individual situation.”

With the changing nature of ministry, an oversight training course began to be piloted in September last year, with 11 clergy covering around 60 churches between them meeting regularly to discuss what oversight ministry might look like. Meetings are organised around the liturgical calendar and CPAS content is used alongside other elements, such as retreat days.

“This initial group are working together and co-creating the content,” said Janet. “We want people to feel equipped, empowered and confident in oversight roles and so we are shaping a programme which can be rolled out to future cohorts. In my discussions I’ve regularly heard the phrase ‘this isn’t what I was called to do’. Hopefully this programme will support clergy when they have these feelings, alongside a retreat being run by the wider Ministry and Discipleship Team about reconnecting with vocation.”

“My work is all about how we equip our Ministers for Mission in a changing landscape. We’ve found that it’s really valuable being together with others who are in similar situations and are considering setting up different learning groups to help facilitate this,” continued Janet.

“The past year has been a huge learning curve for me, finding ways of applying my skills and experience in the church environment. However, people have been really open and welcoming, and I hope that I’m able to bring a fresh pair of eyes. It is obvious that it is a challenging time for all our ministers, but I have seen so much amazing work being done by amazing people. It has been a privilege to get to know people, have time to sit and listen to their story and work out how as a diocesan team we can focus our energies to make the biggest difference in supporting them.”

Outside of work Janet loves musical theatre, walking and food! She came to faith in the Methodist Church and is now a trustee at Oasis Church in Birmingham, a free church which is part of the Catalyst Group of Churches.

Published: 12th March 2025
Page last updated: Wednesday 12th March 2025 11:48 AM

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Janet Fox – Clergy Development Officer

12th March 2025

Janet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

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