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Book of Prayer published ahead of coronation

Published: 1st March 2023

The Church of England is calling for a period of prayer leading up to the Coronation and has released a book of Daily Prayers for the Coronation of King Charles III. There is also now a page on the Church of England's website with resources for churches. 

Over £1 million received last year through PGS

Published: 1st March 2023

Thanks to your generosity, churches across the Diocese received over £1.3 million in gifts through the Parish Giving Scheme last year, both as regular donations and one-off gifts.  

Chaplaincy connecting schools & church

Published: 17th February 2023

Ness Everitt has been appointed as Chaplain at Dyson Perrins CE Secondary School in Malvern. Alongside this, a grant from the Healthier Churches Fund enables her to work with two local Primary Schools & help connect parish & schools.

An alternative route to ordination

Published: 16th February 2023

15 people from parishes across the Diocese have started a new training course with the hope that many of them will be able to be ordained over the next couple of years. 

Meat free Fridays in Lent

Published: 16th February 2023

One of our General Synod Reps, Lynn Nichol from Pedmore has been hitting the headlines this week with her proposal that we should all try to have meat-free Fridays during Lent.

Worcester Churches become silver Eco Churches

Published: 10th February 2023

St John the Baptist in Claines and St George's Church in Worcester have both achieved their silver Eco Church award.

Bishop John's Lent appeal 2023

Published: 3rd February 2023

Bishop John’s Lent Appeal in 2023 will be for the Anglican Diocese of Peru.

'Pop-in' to St Martin's Church, Worcester

Published: 3rd February 2023

St Martin’s Church, London Road, Worcester, has expanded its ‘Pop-ins’ coffee morning to provide a warm space for local people to come and meet together as well as a chance to share a soup lunch.

Racial Justice Sunday

Published: 2nd February 2023

Racial Justice Sunday is on 12 February this year. It offers an opportunity for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, to give thanks for diversity, and to commit to end racism and acts of discrimination.

Marking Holocaust Memorial Day in Dudley

Published: 25th January 2023

Tomorrow (27/1) is Holocaust Memorial Day. Bishop Martin attended a commemorative event in Dudley Borough which was held at Dudley College last Friday.

Prayers for Peru

Published: 25th January 2023

Our partners in the Diocese of Peru have once again asked for our prayers following a series of violent protests across the country.

John Preston to move on

Published: 24th January 2023

Diocesan Secretary, John Preston, has announced that he will be moving on from the role later this year.

Happy 10th birthday to the toddler group in Webheath

Published: 22nd January 2023

Bumps, Babes and Toddlers at St Philip’s, Webheath celebrated turning 10 with cake and balloons last week!

New Stewardship Officer

Published: 21st January 2023

Robyn Rooney has been appointed as part-time Stewardship Officer, working from the diocesan office and in parishes to offer support with the Parish Giving Scheme as well as helping with fundraising ideas.

Bishops publish draft prayers for blessing same-sex couples

Published: 20th January 2023

Prayers asking for God’s blessing on same-sex couples as they give thanks for their civil marriage or civil partnership have been published today and welcomed by Bishop John.

Award for dedicated church school volunteer

Published: 19th January 2023

Bishop John has presented Alan Millichip from the parish of St James in Wollaston, Stourbridge with the Cross of St. Wulfstan. Alan was the Chair of Governors of St James’ CE Primary School in Wollaston for almost 40 years.

Christingle Marmalade!

Published: 13th January 2023

Great Malvern Priory used leftover Christingle oranges to create some limited-edition Christingle Marmalade which was then sold to raise money for the church!

Support for victims and survivors of church-related abuse

Published: 10th January 2023

Safe Spaces, the free national support service for victims and survivors of church-related abuse, has increased its operational hours under a newly appointed independent provider.

An open letter from Bishop John

Published: 9th January 2023

Bishop John has written an open letter to the Diocese, setting out why he believes that the celebration and honouring of monogamous, faithful same-sex relationships by the Church would be consonant with the scriptural witness.

Plough Sunday in the Diocese

Published: 8th January 2023

Plough Sunday was marked in rural parishes across the Diocese yesterday with the blessing of the plough and prayers for our farmers.

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New Director of Mission & Ministry

6th March 2025

Joseph Diwakar has been appointed as the new Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese. Joseph is currently Tutor and Lecturer in Church History at St Mellitus College, London, as well as being a member of the Archbishop’s Council.

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The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

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If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

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