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Praying for our schools

Every term, a group comes together on Zoom to pray for the schools across our diocese.

The initiative was started by, a charity which wants every school to be a prayed-for school, along with Open the Book and is co-ordinated by our Calling Young Disciples and education teams.

CYD Mission Enabler Helen Laird, said: “Prayer is something that we can all do to support our schools and it’s so important. Schools have been through a difficult time recently. At the moment it’s not possible for us to visit them physically, but we can still pray and let them know that they’re being prayed for.”

Anyone is welcome to join the Zoom prayer events and there have been a number of Open the Book teams who have joined as well as people from as far off as Manchester and Liverpool! At each session there is around 30 minutes of guided prayer, including prayer pointers from some of our schools as well as periods of silence. Then there is an opportunity to stay for a time of open prayer, with anyone in the meeting able to contribute.

Helen continues: “People can join in and offer their own suggestions for prayers, but there is no expectation to do so. Others might just quietly join in at home.  We would love for people to come to these events regularly to pray for our schools together and then perhaps pray for their own local schools in between. They could even register they’re doing this on the Pray for Schools website.”

The next Pray for Schools session takes place on Wednesday 26 May, 1.45 – 2.30pm. This session will be opened by Bishop Martin and closed by the Chaplain at Dyson Perrins CE Academy in Malvern. All of our church schools are contacted beforehand to let them know they’re being prayed for and to ask if they have any specific prayer needs. “I hope that they find the idea they’re being regularly prayed for both supportive and comforting.” Said Helen.

Future prayer for school meetings:

  • Wednesday 26 May 2021, 1:45pm - 2:30pm - “Pray for Schools” Virtual Prayer Walk.

  • Monday 6 September 2021, 10am -10:45am – Education Sunday, Back to school with God.

  • Tuesday 16 November 2021, 1:45pm - 2:30pm – European Pray Day.

  • Thursday 10 February 2022, 10am - 10:45am - Pray for Schools fortnight.

  • Wednesday 25 May 2022, 1:45pm - 2.30pm – Prayer Walking part of Thy Kingdom come.

Book your place on Eventbrite

Published: 12th May 2021
Page last updated: Wednesday 12th May 2021 3:01 PM

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