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Join the Conversation!

Published: 16th September 2024

Join the conversation logo surrounded by speech bubbles'Join the Conversation' - there will be a further opportunity to contribute to the discernment process for the next Bishop of Worcester on Tuesday 1 October, 7-8pm

Earlier in the Summer, the Vacancy in See Committee invited people from across Worcestershire and Dudley to 'join  the conversation' to help inform the discernment process for the next Bishop of Worcester. We are pleased that nearly 500 people engaged with this conversation and completed our online surveys. 

Coming up soon is a further opportunity to contribute to this discussion.  In early October Stephen Knott, (Archbishop's Secretary for Appointments) and Jonathan Hellewell, (the Prime Minister's Appointment Secretary) will be visiting the Diocese.  They will be holding a series of online meetings seeking to listen to the views of people from our diverse communities.  They aim to understand the challenges and opportunities that will be encountered by the next Bishop of Worcester as well as the gifts, experiences and qualities that people discern are needed in their next bishop.

On Tuesday 1 October there will be an open public meeting on Zoom from 7-8 pm as part of this consultation and listening exercise, which anyone can attend.  In the meeting Stephen and Jonathan will encourage contributions around the following 4 questions:  

  1. What fills you with joy and hope about the ministry and mission of the Church in the Diocese of Worcester? 
  1. What are the challenges and frustrations, and what would you like to change? 
  1. What gifts, qualities and experience do you think are needed in an incoming Bishop? 
  1. Do you have any names that you feel the Crown Nominations Commission should consider in its selection of the next Bishop of Worcester?  

 If you would like to attend this public meeting and contribute further to the conversation about discerning who should be the next Bishop of Worcester , please email your name and email address to by midday on 1 October.  We will then send you a Zoom link nearer the time. 

We hope to see many of you there!

Lynn Nichol, Chair Vacancy in See Committee

Page last updated: Monday 16th September 2024 11:10 AM

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