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Follow the Star 2018

Published: 12th November 2018

#FollowTheStar is the Church of Englands 2018 Advent andChristmas Campaign. It seeks to encourage everyone to follow in the footstepsof the Wise Men, on their journey to meet Jesus. There are 14 dailyreflections, starting on Christmas Eve and ending on the Epiphany (6 January).

Archbishops Justin Welby and John Sentamu said: For many ofus, Christmas brings up so many emotions, memories and expectations. We haveone nativity story, but it can seem like we all have very differentChristmases. But just like the unexpected assortment of people who wereinvited to meet the baby Jesus, Follow the Star doesnt ask you to be perfect.It says: come just as you are to take the life-changing Christmasjourney.

Resources for churches and families are available on theChurch of England website:

Page last updated: Tuesday 9th June 2020 7:03 PM

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