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Work place chaplains commissioned in Pershore

Each year, Churches Together in Pershore, anecumenical group including Pershore Abbey, Pershore Baptist Church, Pershore RomanCatholic Church and Pershore Community Church, come together for an annualservice of Christian Unity.

This year's service in January also saw the commissioning of a new team of work place chaplains, who will serve the town centre of Pershore, includingthe various shops and the market, as well as other central businesses.

Thechaplains are drawn from across the denominations of churches and will regularly visit businesses to offer support, encouragementand to be there for those who wish to have a confidential ear to listen totheir concerns, which could be personal, family or work related. The team have completed full training andundertake chaplaincy under the guidance of the charity, Faith at Work inWorcestershire. 

In the service held at Pershore Baptist Church, prayers were said for the new Team as they serve the welfareof those working in the many businesses in the town centre.

Published: 6th February 2019
Page last updated: Wednesday 6th February 2019 12:23 PM

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