Giving is an essential part of our faith—it enables our churches to flourish, support communities, and share the love of Christ. The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an effective way to give regularly to your church, ensuring stability and sustainability for ministry and mission.
PGS is an established service for managing one-off and regular Direct Debit giving, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. It reduces the burden of work on church volunteers and provides a simple and secure service to givers.
The service is freely available to all parishes, their churches and donors in the Diocese of Worcester and we have nearly two-thirds of our parishes signed up so far.
By choosing to give through PGS, you are helping your church to:
Plan for the future – with regular, predictable giving, your church can budget effectively for ministry, mission, and maintenance.
Reduce administration – PGS handles gift processing and reclaiming Gift Aid, freeing up church volunteers and clergy to focus on pastoral care and outreach.
Stay financially resilient – PGS ensures giving continues even when church attendance fluctuates, providing a steady income stream.
As a giver, you will benefit from a system that is secure, confidential and easy to use, while supporting your church today and for the future.
This includes the capacity to increase your giving by the cost of living each year, if you choose.
Why is the inflationary increase important?
One of the biggest problems faced by local churches is that of ‘static giving’. If giving levels had kept track with inflation since the year 2000, they would have increased by more than 50%!
A unique feature of the scheme is the option for you, as a giver, to commit in principle to increase your gift annually in line with inflation. While this is a voluntary decision, it is one that has a huge impact on the life and future of your church. You can change this commitment at any time, either by using your personal log-in on this website, or simply by 'phoning the PGS team in Gloucester. This also means you are prompted each year to think about the gift you are giving, as well as taking some time to think back on the year before and reflect on the abundance God has given and what you would like to give in return.
Learn more at our upcoming training event 
If you’d like to learn more about PGS and why giving is an important part of our faith why not join us on our next training session on Thursday 12th March. This session will cover what PGS is, how it works, the benefits for your church, and practical steps to encourage parishioners to join. As well as looking at giving as part of our faith. This training is designed for congregation members who want to learn more about giving to their church and the options there are to give. Please do let your congregations know about it (they can sign up at
If you’re passionate about ensuring the financial health of your church and supporting its mission, this training is for you.