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What's happening with the Vacancy in See

During January the members of the Crown Nominations Commission who will appoint our new Bishop met together to continue to take forward the process.

This group of people will put together the person specification for our new bishop which will be sent to prospective candidates alongside our Statement of Needs and a report from the Archbishop and Prime Minister’s appointment Secretaries following their consultation in the Diocese.

It is anticipated that candidates will be shortlisted in May with interviews happening on 12 & 13 June and an announcement in July.

The Crown Nominations Commission is made up of six people from our diocese who were elected from our Vacancy in See Committee alongside six representatives from the national Church, the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Oxford (sitting on our CNC in the place of the Archbishop of Canterbury).

The representatives of the CNC elected from our diocese are as follows:

Kashmir Garton

Kashmir GartonKashmir has worked in the criminal justice system for over 30 years and has been national faith lead for the Probation Service since 2021. Kashmir is an ALM at The Bridge Church in Redditch, Lay Chair of Redditch and Bromsgrove Deanery and one of our General Synod reps. She has been Chair of the CofE National Safeguarding Panel and is a lay member of the CofE Liturgical Commission. She is a member of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel, co-chairs the Diocesan Racial Justice Forum and is an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral.

Kashmir said: “I support the contents of our Statement of Needs which sets out well our current situation, challenges and the qualities we seek in our next Bishop. The Bishop’s role is a critical one in setting the tone and direction for the Diocese - I believe a key role is to provide spiritual leadership that promotes the inclusion of those who feel marginalised due to their offending, race, gender, sexuality.”

Nikki Groarke

Nikki GroarkeNikki has been Archdeacon of Dudley since 2014 and has led us on our transformation and change journey for the past four years. As Archdeacon she is a member of the Bishop’s staff team and a Cathedral Canon, sits on lots of our committees and is also one of our General Synod reps. She is an inclusive evangelical and before coming to the Diocese was a Vicar in the Diocese of London.

Nikki said: “Having been in a senior role in the diocese for ten years, I understand the complexities of our rural multi-parish benefices, the challenges of inner-urban ministry, the opportunities and potential areas for growth. I feel strongly our diocese needs a bishop who will continue to honour our inclusive culture, welcoming the ministry of LGBTQI+ clergy, and who will also engage wholeheartedly with those who hold a different position, enabling them to flourish.”

Rich Johnson

Rich johnsonRich moved to the Diocese in 2009 to become Vicar of All Saints Worcester, one of our two Resourcing Churches. He has over 20 years’ experience of church growth and revitalisation, working with both the diocese and national church. Rich is also a member of Bishop’s Council and National Leader of New Wine.

Rich said: “We are at an exciting moment as a diocese with so many possibilities but continue to face big challenges. It is vital that we maintain the current momentum and appoint a bishop who will be adept at leading us forward, helping us to continue with the genuinely collaborative approach we take, and to call us to act in faith for the sake of our communities.”

Claire Lording

Claire LordingClaire has been Vicar of Pershore with Pinvin, Wick and Birlingham for over nine years. From 2018 – 24 she was Chair of the House of Clergy and is an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral. Claire is one of our General Synod reps and has been involved in diocesan life through Bishop’s Council, the Transformation Delivery Steering Group and the Clergy Wellbeing Group. Although Claire will be one of our reps on the CNC she is also elected from General Synod as one of the national church members and has taken part in six CNCs to date.

Claire said: “I would be looking for a bishop who takes vision and strategy seriously. Someone who can embrace and promote our Kingdom People vision and our Transformation and Change priorities, whilst also bringing their own gifts and talent into the conversation in a shared and pastoral manner. A bishop who continues to share our culture of profound welcome and love for all is really important to me.”

Hugh Richards

Hugh RichardsHugh is a member of St Cassian’s Church in Chaddesley Corbett (between Bromsgrove and Kidderminster) where he is churchwarden. He is a member of Bishop’s Council and the Transformation Delivery Steering group and is Chair of the House of Laity. He is also an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral. Hugh is Director and Trustee of the DoWMAT (our diocesan Multi-Academy Trust), a trustee of the Worcestershire Regiments’ Museum (having served in the county Regiment for 12 years) and is a barrister specialising in Town and Country Planning.

Hugh said: “In deciding which candidate to vote for, I will pray, listen to the Holy Spirit, listen to the candidate, listen to the views of other CNC members, think of friends and colleagues, young and old, whose hopes and fears are wrapped up in the Statement of Needs, and pray again. I will do my best to find a new bishop who will preside with joy over our ‘broad tent’.”

Iren Treasure

Iren TreasureIren is the youngest member of our Vacancy in See Committee and turned 21 towards the end of last year. He has grown up in the Black Country and is currently a member of Top Church in Dudley where he lives with his family when he is not studying English Language and Literature at Oxford University.

Iren said: “We want to ensure we have a bishop who will listen to the changes of the outside world and accommodate for them compassionately. Young people do not want to attend something that feels like a step back; the Church must feel like a step forward, proclaiming Christ afresh in each generation. I put myself forward to be part of the CNC because I really want to see the Church in our diocese and particularly in Dudley thrive, and I feel that this is a small way in which I can play a part.”


Please pray for our CNC representatives and for all involved in the appointment process for the new Bishop of Worcester, as well as prospective candidates and our diocese generally during the vacancy in See. Look out for more information on specific prayer vigils to get involved with when the shortlisting and interviews take place.

Heavenly Father,
We thank you for those you call to faithfully lead and shepherd your church.
As we seek a new Bishop of Worcester, help us to be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s
guidance, give us heavenly wisdom, and bless our diocese that we might enter a
new season of growth and fruitfulness as Kingdom People.
For your glory and in the name of Christ. Amen

Published: 23rd January 2025
Page last updated: Friday 24th January 2025 2:24 PM

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