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Vacancy in See update

An update on the Vacancy in See process to find the next Bishop of Worcester for parish magazines.

The process to find the next Bishop of Worcester started when Bishop John announced his retirement. Throughout last summer, people across the Diocese joined the conversation to explore what gifts, qualities and experience our new bishop might need.

This consultation was conducted by the Vacancy in See Committee, which is made up of 24 people, both lay and ordained from across the Diocese. Together they produced our Statement of Needs which sets out who we are as a diocese as well as the kind of bishop we’d like. This can be read on our website.

January will see the first meeting of the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC), which is the national Church of England body responsible for shortlisting and interviewing potential candidates. There were six people from the Vacancy in See Committee voted onto this group: Kashmir Garton, Nikki Groarke, Rich Johnson, Claire Lording, Hugh Richards and Iren Treasure. They sit alongside six people from the national church and the two Archbishops (or their representatives).

Together the CNC will pull together the role description and identify possible candidates from the names of all those suggested during the consultation. These people will be asked if they wish to enter a discernment process to see if God is calling them to be Bishop of Worcester. Shortlisting then takes place in May with interviews held on 12 and 13 June. It is hoped that an announcement will be able to be made in the Summer.

Published: 9th December 2024
Page last updated: Monday 9th December 2024 8:14 PM

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Janet Fox – Clergy Development Officer

12th March 2025

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