A new project has been trialled in a couple of parishes in the Diocese as a way of helping churches keep their promise to baptism parents to welcome baptised children and uphold them in their new lives in Christ.
Baptism books has been developed by some of the Calling Young Disciples Mission Enablers. Families who sign up receive a monthly email which includes a secular book suggestion to enjoy together along with an explanation of how the book reflects something about God. There are also activity suggestions linked to the story for the family to try as well as prayers to use. Their local church will be praying aspecific prayer for baptism families during the month which links to the theme of the book.
A number of families took part in the trial, sharing stories like Elmer the Elephant and Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs. At the end of the trial, families were asked to complete a small survey which was incentivised with a 20 book voucher.
Mission Enabler, Helen Laird, said: The resource has designed to befun and interactive for families who have had their child or children baptised and are just starting out on their faith journey. It is also a great and easy way for churches to keep in touch with families who have come to the church for a baptism service and to continue to pray for them.
Congratulations to Lisa who won the 20 book voucher. On her feedback form Lisa said: "We enjoyed taking part. The results of the survey will helpto shape the project going forwards."
The Baptism Books project will officially launch in October. If your church would like to be part of this project, please contact Mission Enabler, Helen Laird, by email on HLaird@cofe-worcester.org.uk.