The second Mission ShapedMinistry (MSM) course in Worcester Diocese begins in September 2019 in venues near Worcester and in the Black Country.
The firstcourse 2017-2018 encouraged many groups from all over the Diocese and furtherafield looking more closely at their communities and developing new ideas for mission. Meetings throughout awhole academic year gives time for interaction and conversation betweenchurches and the time for reflection.
The Bishop of Liverpool, Paul Bayes is coming to Worcester on 28 September for our All Together as Kingdom People day and he writes:
"A few years ago General Synod described the mixed economy church asthe most promising mission strategy for sharing the Gospel and the values ofthe Kingdom of God in these days. And it still is. So as you grow into beingKingdom People I hope that many people from the Diocese will learn more abouthow to share in Gods mission, by using the Mission-Shaped Ministry coursetogether. It really does work - to sharpen vision, build confidence, and giveclear and practical advice on how to make the church real in this generation.Highly recommended!"
The course has greatestbenefit if a few people from a benefice or deanery are able to attend together,clergy and lay people. For further enquiries and to book places on the MSMcourse please speak to Emma Woollaston at the Diocesan Office: