RobertHigham has asked us to pass on his thanks related to his retirement last monthas Diocesan Secretary.
He writes:
Thank you to all who were involved inmarking my retirement whether at the Cathedral, at events in the DiocesanOffice or in sending your best wishes. I much appreciated too your prayers forwhatever ongoing discipleship of Jesus will entail. It was also really good tohave opportunity to catch up with the news, as well as the reminiscences, ofthose who had travelled from all parts of the diocese and beyond. Imbowled over to hear that the collection for the Anglican Diocese of Peru hasreached nearly 2,500. That generosity from around our diocese will be hugelyappreciated by our brothers and sisters in Christ in Peru where it will make areal difference to resourcing their sharing of the good news of our Lord Jesus.That I should in some way be associated with that is deeply moving, so thankyou.