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Thank you from Stuart Ness

On Monday, Kirsty Duxbury will take over as our new Registrar. Stuart Ness from Stallard, March and Edwards has been our Registrar for a number of years and has thanked Bishop John and all those who has has worked with during this time:

Stuart NessI should like to place on record my thanks to Bishop John for having appointed me as his Registrar and Legal Secretary in 2014. It has been a pleasure to serve him and the Diocese of Worcester since then. There are many people throughout the Diocese and in the parishes with whom I have enjoyed working and who I will miss. I should also like to thank all those who have assisted me. I am pleased to now have the opportunity to put my knowledge and experience of ecclesiastical law to good use within the Diocese of Lichfield. I would also like to pass on my best wishes to Kirsty Duxbury, the new Registrar, and to Lisa Moncur, the new Deputy Registrar, for every success for the future in their new roles. I have every expectation that Kirsty will enjoy being the Registrar just as much as I have.

We wish Stuart all the best for the future and thank him for his faithful service to the Diocese. 

Read the announcemement of Kirsty Duxbury as Registrar.

Published: 22nd July 2022
Page last updated: Friday 22nd July 2022 3:42 PM

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