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Tanzanian Travels

Claire has sent some brief travel diary snippets fromMorogoro:

Saturday 23

I have arrived safely at the Arc Hotel in Morogoro, after along drive from Dar Es Salaam. I was met at the hostel in Dar by Canon ReginaldMdugi, the priest at St John's, Kihonda, Revd Peter Mkengi (the DiocesanPartnership Co-ordinator) and Esther Reuben (St John's parishioner) who wereall very organised arriving at 0630! I have a wonderful view from my room ofthe Arc Mountains.

I was officially welcomed to St John's, Kihonda by CanonMdugi and many of the church elders and catechists. Five choirs were alsorepresented who are all going to be singing tomorrow. I had a tour of thechurch compound which is a real gathering place for much of the ministry of thechurch. Later on we called in to Revd Peter Mkengi's office by the Cathedral inMorogoro. A wedding was happening so we popped in and I ended up gettinginvited up to the front to say a few words!

Sunday 24

An early start again today as St John's merged their twousual services, so we began at 0700. We had much singing, thanksgiving for agroup of parishioners surviving a car accident, speeches, presentations, asermon which I had been invited to give, and communion. We finished at 12noon!We then went outside where I inaugurated a new classroom by cutting the ribbonto the main door - a gleaming plaque says I was there! Another unveiling of aplaque marks the laying of a foundation stone for the new church hall. And toround off the outside activities I planted a Dodoma tree. After all that, thelunch back in the church was very welcome!

Monday 25

I spent the late morning and early afternoon with BishopGodfrey having a wonderful discussion about all the issues affecting TheDiocese of Morogoro, and its communities. Education and unemployment are realconcerns. I heard about exciting agriculture programmes which are beingsupported by Norwegian Church Aid. Bishop Godfrey is also very excited abouthis five year plan which he hopes will energise and inspire his clergy. Ill behaving dinner with Bishop Godfrey tonight so we can continue the discussion!

I also visited Morogoro Bible College and met Samuel, Enochand Panina who are working hard to theologically train the next generation ofchurch leaders in challenging circumstances. They are totally committed totheir work and are an inspiration.

It was absolutely freezing here last night but its beensuper hot this afternoon!

Tuesday 26

Ive had a fantastic day being driven round all ten of CanonMdugi's churches. An epic journey along miles of some of the bumpiest roads Ihave encountered in Tanzania. The churches range from the well-established andfinished to the ones that have been quickly set up in faith because those whomeet for worship can no longer fit into someone's home.

The evening was spent with St John's Kihonda Mothers' Union.We sang and danced and gave thanks for love expressed in so many ways. Theladies dressed me in a new kanga and said they would pray for me and themembers of Pershore Mothers' Union.

Wednesday 27

Updated 28/06/18

The day started with an early morning meeting with Anna,the headteacher of Musifini B School which is linked with Pinvin Federation ofSchools. It was great to see her and to give her the many letters which thechildren at Pinvin and Himbleton had written.

It was then a long drive to Berega Hospital to meet CanonIsaac Mgego and his team. It's an incredible place that not only houses thehospital but also a school for nursing, Berega Bible School, Bishop ChitemoPrimary School, and Patmo Orphanage. It's been really good to see where all thosedonations to Berega Hospital can help support vital work. 

Thursday 28

Updated 29/06/18

My last full day in Kihonda was spent visiting severalschools in the parish where church members are teachers. Every school has anincredible number of student on their roll - Azimio A and B schools, which areright next to each other, have a combined roll of 2,400! The teachers therecouldn't believe our class sizes.

I spent the afternoon visiting some of the many shops nearthe church compound before heading back for a celebration of church groups inSt John's. There was much singing and sharing of gifts. I can't quite believe I've onlybeen here a few days and that it's time to be heading home. I leave with happymemories, new friends and an invitation to bring more people next time! Bwanaasifiwe! Amen.

(N.B. Bwana asifiwe is a regular Kiswahili expression of praise meaning Praise the Lord, to which the liturgical response is Amen.)

Published: 27th June 2018
Page last updated: Thursday 19th August 2021 2:41 PM

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