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Summer events in Wyre Forest West

Wyre Forest West churches have recently held two events to reach out to their local communities. 

Dragonflies and bird feeders made at the activity dayOn Wednesday 14 August, a children’s activity day: “God’s Wonderful World” was held at Bayton Church. Participants heard the creation story; upcycled juice containers into bird feeders and made dragonflies out of seeds and sticks.

Chocolate cake decorated with flowersThe most magnificent chocolate cake was made and decorated to show the theme. The children also helped to plant a new flower bed at St Bartholomew’s, Bayton, so there could be home-grown flowers inside the church!

Dog with two people at the Wyre Forest West pet serviceThen on Sunday 18 August, also part of God’s wonderful world, the Revd Sallie Butcher led a Pet Thanksgiving service at Far Forest church. The congregation included lots of furry friends as thanks were given for all the loyalty and love we receive from our pets (past, present and future).

All pets were prayed for, including those no longer with us. Julia and others brought photos of their cats so they could be included too! 

Find more photos on the Wyre Forst West Churches Facebook page.

Published: 27th August 2024
Page last updated: Tuesday 27th August 2024 4:29 PM

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6th March 2025

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