After three years of tireless fundraising, St Michael andAll Angels Stoke Prior received development funding from the National LotteryHeritage Fund in November 2018 to support with their restoration project. Theproject aims to repair damage that the Church has suffered over its life,including tower masonry that became detached in the Autumn of 2015. During theproject, access to the church will also be improved, bringing the buildingfully in-line with the Equalities Act.
The Revd Wyn Beynon, priest in charge of St Michael and AllAngels Stoke Prior, said:
Were delighted that weve received this supportthanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. With this support and the help ofthe community, we will be able to carry out the essential repairs to the church.It is particularly pleasing that we will be able to change the entrance intothe church so that all can access and leave unaided.
St Michael and All Angels church is central to the localcommunity, with diverse fundraising events having taken place over the last fewyears. Friends of the Church have organised more exciting fundraising eventswhich will take place during 2019, to ensure that the community continue tobenefit from this historic and beautiful church. Events will include history talkswhich will be given by Revd Beynon and Friends of the Church. The varied andinteresting history of St Michael and All Angels will also be published in twonew guide books, the second of which will be for younger visitors. Aneducational programme is also planned, which will provide volunteers with theskills to look after this historic building. A display will also be installedin the conservation area of the churchyard, to show the abundance of wildlifeand the variety of trees which can be found there.
Thank you to everyone who has helped us on our journey andfor your continued support, continued Revd Beynon. We look forward to seeingSt Michael and All Angels removed from the Heritage at Risk Register thanks tomoney raised by National Lottery players.