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Premier talks to Singing Angels.

Rachel Matthews from Premier Christian Radio, visitedSinging Angels at All Saints in Sedgley, Dudley on Sunday 19 May. She isworking on a 5-6 minute breakfast slot to inspire other churches to reach outto their communities. Rachel interviewed Claire Cox who runs SingingAngels (SA), along with some angels, their parents and the parish clergy.

Rachel asked Claire about her background with the church,which was minimal until the birth of her son. When he was born, the church gave Claire andPaul (her husband) such amazing support, that she felt she wanted to give themsomething back, reflecting back now she realises that the journey was all justa part of God's bigger plan. SA has now been running for three years and currently has 22 angels, and a few Archangels, which is the groupfor the older children - the initiative certainly connects with new families inthe community. Claire says that she is now closer to God than she hasever been, she feels God is right there in the thick of it and she feelscompelled to share the Good News with everyone.

Sharon who is Poppy's (age 7) Mum, cant make Sunday morningworship due to work, but Poppy very much sees SA as church and she loves it,even if they have a family day out they have to make it back so that Poppy canbe at SA.

Emma who is Mum to Jemima (7) and Scarlet (4), heard about SA whenthe family attended the church garden party at St Andrew's Church. Scarlet was 3when she joined and has gone through a number of confidence issues whichClaire has supported her through, and now will sing solos with hersister. Two of their Mum's proudest moments are when Scarlett sang as part ofthe group after losing her confidence and then recently when both of herdaughters sang solos.

Rev Guy Mitchell shared a story of a time with the school,and when asked about the name of the church, one very keen excited hand waschosen and they replied Singing Angels.

Rachel recorded some of the singing from both Singing Angelsand Archangels.

Listen out for Singing Angels on the Premier breakfast show on 30 May at 8.40am.

Published: 21st May 2019
Page last updated: Tuesday 21st May 2019 8:42 AM

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