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Praying for our next bishop

Hands clasped in prayer over a bibleDuring May and June, the Crown Nominations Commission will be shortlisting and interviewing candidates to become the next Bishop of Worcester and during this time, we really need your prayers!

Very soon, we’ll be sharing resources and opportunities for you to get involved.

Shortlisting takes place on 9 May and the interviews on 12 & 13 June and on all three of these dates we would like people to pick a time slot when they will commit to praying for the CNC and the candidates. There will be a dedicated prayer space in the Cathedral on the June dates, but you could just pray by yourself at home, gather a small group or host a prayer event in your church.

Whatever you do – please just pray!

Put these dates in your diary and look out for more details on how to sign up and the resources that will be available on future mailings and on the diocesan website.

In the meantime, do continue to use our general diocesan prayer while we are in vacancy:

Heavenly Father,
We thank you for those you call to faithfully lead and shepherd your church.
As we seek a new Bishop of Worcester, help us to be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, give us heavenly wisdom, and bless our diocese that we might enter a
new season of growth and fruitfulness as Kingdom People.
For your glory and in the name of Christ. Amen

Archdeacon Nikki was asked to preach in the Cathedral on St Oswald's feast day last week. Her sermon provides some fascinating insights into the former Bishop of Worcester and the resonances with our current Vacancy in See process. Why not read it and use it as a basis for your prayers. Find it here.

Published: 3rd March 2025
Page last updated: Tuesday 4th March 2025 4:17 PM

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