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Powick parish litter pick

Last Saturday saw approximately 20 keenindividuals in high-viz jackets litter-picking their way around the Byrons Woodand Collets Green areas of Powick.

This parish church-led event was part of the Great BritishSpring Clean campaign run by Keep Britain Tidy in March and April. St Peters Church in Powick got involved inresponse to Bishop Grahams Tweet in January encouraging churches to engagewith their local communities on this issue.

Supervised teams of litter pickers spread out from the LinkNurseries in Byrons Wood, Powick on designated routes around the village tosearch for litter. Twenty-four bags oflitter were collected in an hour, and hazardous or unpleasant items were notedfor later collection by suitably-equipped adults.

The team were grateful for the support given to this event by 7thWorcester Scouts. Link Nurseries GardenCentre also provided them with a base and refreshed the group very adequately afterwards!

A huge thank-you to those who turned up to pick thelitter!

Published: 2nd April 2019
Page last updated: Tuesday 2nd April 2019 3:24 PM

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11th February 2025

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