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Lottery success for Top Church, Dudley

In its 200th year,Top Church in Dudley has been awarded 106,000 of initial National Lotterysupport* to enable the Church of St Thomas and St Luke at the top of DudleyHigh Street to continue with its plans to conserve the historical elements ofthe building while ensuring it can best meet the needs of the local communityin the 21st Century.

inside Top ChurchThe funding will add to agrant already received from the Church Commissioners of the Church of England,which will see Top Church becoming one of two resourcing churches in theDiocese of Worcester. As a resourcing church, Top Church is receivingsignificant investment to ensure the building is fit for purpose so thecongregation can continue to serve the community and help more people findfaith. The National Lottery funding will be used to put together accurate coststo conserve the wall monuments and font as well as preserve the eastern end ofthe church with its historic painted window. A full National Lottery grant willbe applied for at a later date.

The Revd James Treasure, Vicarof Top Church, said: Top Church is built on foundations dating back to atleast 1180 and the church has historically been a place of pilgrimage. In the18th and 19th centuries, it helped provide safe drinkingwater to the town and has often played a key role in Dudleys history. Were sograteful for all the funding weve received, which will allow us to continue tobring the Good News of Jesus to more people in our community, and enable TopChurch to be a witness to our faith for many more years to come.

Kate Andrew, Church Buildings Project Manager,said: Were delighted that weve received this support. The award will help usplan ways to share the stories of Top Church with more people and to deliver muchneeded conservation work. We also want to find out more about the crypt, builtas a pilgrimage shrine to the medieval saint, St Thomas a Beckett and planengaging and creative ways to make this space more accessible in future.

Long term, the Tip Top TopChurch project aims to carry out essential conservation work to the paintedeast window, wall monuments, font and the outer walls and windows.The development phase will enableinvestigation into exactly what work needs to be done and accurate costingsmade.The award will also allow the newResourcing Church team to be supported by heritage professionals to devise,test and finesse a range of heritage activities for all ages and develop abusiness plan to deliver these long term.

About St Thomas and StLuke, Dudley, Top Church

TheChurch of St Thomas and St Luke in Dudley is affectionately known as TopChurch because it is at the top of Dudley High Street. Funding has recentlybeen received from the Church Commissioners of the Church of England to turnTop Church into one of two resourcing churches in the Diocese of Worcester.This is part of a national strategy from the Church of England to bring morepeople to faith and continue to serve local communities effectively. Alongsidethe National Lottery grant, the funding from the national church will enable TopChurch to develop the church building and employ additional team members toenable it to grow and become a resource for other churches.

About the HeritageLottery Fund

Heritage lottery funding logo*HLF Heritage grants applications are assessed in two rounds. Top Church hasinitially been granted round one development funding of 106,000 by theHeritage Lottery Fund, allowing it to progress with its plans. Detailedproposals are then considered by HLF at second round, where a final decision ismade on the full funding award of 525,000.

Thanksto National Lottery players, we invest money to help people across the UKexplore, enjoy and protect the heritage they care about - from the archaeologyunder our feet to the historic parks and buildings we love, from preciousmemories and collections to rare wildlife. Follow us onTwitter, Facebook and Instagram and use #NationalLottery and #HLFsupported.

Published: 10th December 2018
Page last updated: Monday 10th December 2018 10:34 AM

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