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Packs available to give to wedding couples

Isyour church looking for simple materials to support couples on their journeybefore, during and after marriage in your church? 

Packs for wedding couplesBeautiful church weddinginformation packs produced by the Church of England are available to purchasefrom reception at the Diocesan Office at 3 per pack. Each pack includesseveral flyers to give to the couple which detail all the need-to-know information for a couples bigday in church, including costs, church venues, digital recordings and theprocess of booking / organising. Also included are cards for the church to congratulate a couple on both theirwedding day and first anniversary as well as postcards on which to insert information about the reading ofa couple's banns and upcoming wedding preparation workshops.

cards for friends and familyChurchescan also purchase a pack of 100 prayer postcards at the small cost of 3 perpack. These postcards can be shared with a couples family and friends on theirwedding day, for them to use when praying for their loved ones after the bigday.

Further information forcouples about church weddings is available on the Church of Englands websitevia:

Church wedding informationpacks are available to purchase from the Diocesan Offices Reception team, whocan be contacted on 01905 20537 or at

Published: 12th February 2019
Page last updated: Tuesday 12th February 2019 2:04 PM

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4th February 2025

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