Tocoincide with the arrival of Bishop Martin, it has been decided to relocate theBishop of Dudleys office and home.
TheBishops office will move to Dudley town centre. This will greatly facilitatethe outward-looking aspects of the Bishops role in the community in Dudley. To save costs and reduce isolation for the Bishop's Secretary, who wasoften working in the house alone, Bishop Martin's new office will be in thesame premises as offices already being used by the Top Church team at 3 Parsons Street, Dudley.
Weare also intending to sell the current Bishop's house (which for variousreasons, including the cost of future maintenance, is no longer fit forpurpose). We have identified a house in Stourbridge with excellent publictransport and road links to all parts of the diocese.
Moredetails will be available shortly but all telephone numbers and email contactdetails for the Bishop of Dudley will remain the same.