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'No Limits' prayer event in Worcester

Screen at the front of St Helen's church Worcester deanery logoOn the 11 September, Worcester Deanery put on their first “No Limits” prayer event, held at St Helen’s Church in the city. Churches and members of the diocesan team came together to offer an evening of worship and prayer.  

The evening started with a welcome from Area Dean, Diane Cooksey and event organiser, Paul Wilcox, curate in Hallow and Grimley with Holt and Lower Broadheath. This was followed by songs and worship led by some of the All Saints’ team, before visitors were invited to journey around the room and visit any of the prayer stations they wanted to.  Small is beautiful prayer station

There was a wide selection of stations, including – Calling and Vocations, Deanery and Diocese Priorities, Buildings, Community, Eco Church, Stewardship, Creative Prayer, Small is Beautiful, Praying with Scripture, Schools, as well as stations of the cross to visit around the church, with beautiful illustrations at each point. Each station was different and introduced ways people could approach prayer. There were plenty of refreshments, gentle music and areas where people could sit in quiet thought.  Bowl of rice with a sign to place a handful of rice into a nearby jar.

The evening was concluded with everyone coming back together to sing and receive a blessing. This is hoped to be the first of similar events and was well received by all who attended.   

The Revd Paul Wilcox said: “We put a stake in the ground for the centrality of creative, engaging, vibrant prayer in our deanery at the “No Limits” prayer event and I am already looking forward to the next one.”  

Published: 12th September 2024
Page last updated: Thursday 12th September 2024 3:14 PM

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Janet Fox – Clergy Development Officer

12th March 2025

Janet Fox has worked as our Clergy Development Officer for the past year. She came from an NHS background with significant experience in coaching and mediation, and during her first twelve months has spent time getting to know clergy to understand how we can best support their ongoing development and wellbeing.

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