The Revd Canon Alex Vaccaro,Associate Priest in the Kidderminster Ismere Parish and the Revd HazelCharlton, Vicar of St Peter in Lapal have been appointed to new rolessupporting different groups of clergy in the Diocese of Worcester.Alex will become Dean of Self-SupportingMinisters, while Hazel will become Dean of Womens Ministry. Both of these arein addition to their current parish roles.
As Dean of Self Supporting Ministers, Alex will support those who are ordained as a priest, but who do notreceive a stipend for the work they do. Many of these will be employed in thesecular world. Alex will represent this group of clergy both inside and outsidethe Diocese.
She said: Ordained ministrywithout a stipend covers a huge range of roles and contexts; hence the varieddefinitions of NSM (Non-Stipendiary Minister), MSE (Minister in SecularEmployment) and SSM (Self Supporting Minister). Some of us were called to thisparticular ministry which presents us with both advantages and difficultiesthat may be specific to our roles; having the opportunity to share these withothers in a similar position can be hugely helpful. I was very pleased toaccept Bishop Johns invitation to take on the role of representing thisdiverse group of ministers in the Diocese and look forward to the opportunityto be both an advocate and a support.
As Dean of Womens Ministry,Hazel will represent and understand the needs of ordained women across theDiocese, becoming an official advocate for women priests both locally andnationally. She said: Im absolutely delighted that Bishop John has invited meto take on this role. Ive found it incredibly useful to have someone in theDiocese who understands the particular issues of being a female priest and Imlooking forward to being alongside my clergy colleagues, journeying with themand supporting them through times of difficulty and joy.
Both Alex and Hazel will beorganising events for the groups that they represent, giving them a chance tocome together to share any issues and socialise together.