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New Residentiary Canon in the Cathedral

Worcester Cathedral is delighted to announce theappointment of a new Residentiary Canon, which is an appointment by HM the Queen

The Revd Dr Stephen Edwards will join the Cathedral Chapter with aparticular responsibility for promoting the Cathedrals mission in the Diocese and localcommunity, and for the pastoral care and spiritual nurture of the Cathedralcommunity. Stephenis currently TeamRector of Wythenshawe and Area Dean of Withington in the Diocese of Manchester.Stephens appointment will take effect on Sunday 15 September when hewill be installed at Evensong at 4 pm.

The Dean of Worcester, the Very Revd Peter Atkinson,said: "Stephen is an outstanding priest and we shall warmly welcome him toWorcester Cathedral and our diocese. He joins us at a time of many excitinginitiatives in the work of the Cathedral, including the creation of a newlearning centre in our medieval Undercroft, and the arrival of a new DirectorMusic. Stephens ministry will encourage the Cathedral congregation, promotethe Cathedrals work across the city, county and diocese, and strengthen thework of our education team."

Bishop John said: "Stephen Edwards is animmensely gifted priest whose ministry in the Diocese of Manchester is veryhighly regarded. We look forward very much to welcoming him here."

Stephen said: "I am honoured to be appointed as aCanon Residentiary at Worcester Cathedral in this exciting new role bringingtogether pastoral care for the Cathedral community and promoting thecathedral's mission within the city and wider diocese. It will be very hard toleave the north west after so many happy years but I am delighted and excitedto be moving to the beautiful city and Diocese of Worcester."

Published: 3rd June 2019
Page last updated: Friday 24th April 2020 10:14 AM

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